
New Discord Server

We have migrated to a new server.

2023-08-171 min

On Saturday, 12th August 2023, our old Discord server was compromised. We are actively working to address this situation however progress is slower than we had hoped, owing to Discord support response times.

As we continue to work on resolving the situation, we have decided to migrate to a new Discord server. Please join that server using the Discord link here.

Following a thorough review of our internal policies, the new server will incorporate some additional security measures. Our primary goal is to provide a safe place for our community to gather and we hope that you will join us there.

To get access to the new Discord server please only join through our official channels. You can also navigate to our website and scroll to the social links in the footer where you will see the Discord icon. There you can join via a new Discord invite link. We encourage you to join our new server as we will be directing our efforts and attention there.

Thank you for bearing with us during this time and we look forward to welcoming you to our new server.

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