article and IIT-B Techfest: HackAI Grand Finale 

Announcing the results!

2024-01-083 min

As the curtains fall on the HackAI hackathon, a collaboration between and Techfest IIT-Bombay, it's time to reflect on the phenomenal success of the grand finale. The final round, a melting pot of innovation and expertise, was hosted at the prestigious IIT Bombay campus - marking a significant milestone in the journey of AI development.

From an initial pool of 818 participants, we picked 170-180 contenders from 55 groups. These finalists, selected for their exceptional skills and innovative ideas were called for a final onsite round at IIT-Bombay.

The Final Showdown: A Testament to Talent

The HackAI finale was a vibrant showcase of talent and technology. Approximately 160 students from various backgrounds graced the event, with 120 students across 35 groups successfully submitting their projects. These submissions were visions of the future, brought to life through the application of's uAgents library, underscoring its adaptability and power in solving complex challenges. This gathering turned out to be a hub of diverse thoughts, bringing together India's sharpest brains to forge new paths.

Among the multitude of impressive projects, three stood out, not just for their technical excellence but for their potential to redefine the AI landscape. These winners are the epitome of what HackAI stands for - innovation, creativity, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

First Place - HACK_230395

  • Revolutionizing personal assistance by automating routine tasks, decentralizing services, and replacing numerous mobile apps with autonomous agents.

  • Innovative Approach: The project integrates a user agent, travel agent, cab service agent, and calendar agent, all coordinated to optimize user experience.

Second Place - Hack-230351

  • Job-Mitra - Resume Analyzer and Job Finder: A groundbreaking tool for job seekers, streamlining the process of finding compatible job opportunities.

  • Innovative Approach: Utilizes a K-nearest neighbors model for job title classification and a job search agent to match resumes with job openings, enhancing job discovery.

Third Place - TensionFlow

  • A personalized shopping assistant designed to improve online shopping experiences, from product discovery to transaction completion.

  • Innovative Approach: Fashion assistant using AI, efficient search and navigation, product recommendations, and price comparison across multiple sources.

Honorable Mention - Sortedddd

  • FetchFlow: An intelligent shopping agent that transforms the shopping experience with advanced capabilities like conversational AI, sentiment analysis, and personalized recommendations.

  • Innovative Approach: Seamlessly combines's toolbelt to create a dynamic assistant capable of handling complex shopping tasks.

The Journey

In celebrating our winners' feats, we also look back at the path that led us here. Each person who took part, guided, or organized contributed greatly to HackAI's triumph. This event wasn't merely a contest - it was a shared stride towards unleashing AI's full potential.

The end of HackAI signifies not a closure but a fresh start. The creations we saw here offer just a sneak peek into what's ahead. is eager to keep on this path, encouraging more events that unite skill, imagination, and tech.

A big cheer for our victors, and a sincere thanks to all who joined in. Your efforts have not just enhanced this event but also laid groundwork for future AI innovations.

Let's continue to explore new territories and discover the vast prospects of AI!

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