Query an agent using a proxy API

Query an agent using a proxy API


This file can be run on any platform supporting Python, with the necessary install permissions. This example shows how to query an agent using a proxy API.

Supporting documentation

The agent

from uagents import Agent, Context, Model
class TestRequest(Model):
    message: str
class Response(Model):
    text: str
agent = Agent(
async def startup(ctx: Context):
    ctx.logger.info(f"Starting up {agent.name}")
    ctx.logger.info(f"With address: {agent.address}")
    ctx.logger.info(f"And wallet address: {agent.wallet.address()}")
@agent.on_query(model=TestRequest, replies={Response})
async def query_handler(ctx: Context, sender: str, _query: TestRequest):
    ctx.logger.info("Query received")
        # do something here
        await ctx.send(sender, Response(text="success"))
    except Exception:
        await ctx.send(sender, Response(text="fail"))
if __name__ == "__main__":

The agent is created using the Agent class from uagents library. It is initialized with a name, seed, port, and endpoint. It defines an on_event handler for the "startup" event, where it logs information about the agent's initialization. It defines an on_query handler for handling queries of type TestRequest. Upon receiving a query, it processes it and sends back a Response. The agent is then set to run.


import json
from fastapi import FastAPI
from uagents import Model
from uagents.query import query
AGENT_ADDRESS = "agent1qt6ehs6kqdgtrsduuzslqnrzwkrcn3z0cfvwsdj22s27kvatrxu8sy3vag0"
class TestRequest(Model):
    message: str
async def agent_query(req):
    response = await query(destination=AGENT_ADDRESS, message=req, timeout=15.0)
    data = json.loads(response.decode_payload())
    return data["text"]
app = FastAPI()
def read_root():
    return "Hello from the Agent controller"
async def make_agent_call(req: TestRequest):
        res = await agent_query(req)
        return f"successful call - agent response: {res}"
    except Exception:
        return "unsuccessful agent call"

The proxy is implemented using FastAPI. It sets up two routes: "/" for a simple root message and "/endpoint" for receiving requests. When a POST request is made to "/endpoint" with a JSON payload containing a TestRequest, it triggers the make_agent_call function. Inside make_agent_call, it calls agent_query to communicate with the agent. The agent receives the query, processes it, and sends back a response. The proxy receives the response from the agent and sends back a success message along with the response text.

Run the example

In separate terminals:

  1. Run the FastAPI proxy: uvicorn proxy:app

  2. Run the agent: python agent.py

  3. Query the agent via the proxy: curl -d '{"message": "test"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8000/endpoint

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