Agents wallet messaging

Communicating with other agents wallet


Communication is an essential feature agent network. It allows agents to work together, exchange information, and forms an organic marketplace. Wallet messaging is feature of agents which makes them able to communicate with other agent's wallet information. This can include sending and receiving payments, querying account balances, and handling other wallet-related tasks.

In this example we will create two agents locally using uagents library and make them share wallet information with each other.

Supporting documentation

Script Breakdown

  • Importing required libraries
from uagents import Agent, Bureau, Context
from uagents.wallet_messaging import WalletMessage

This step imports necessary libraries for creating agents and handling wallet messaging.

  • Defining two agents which can communicate to each other.
# Defining agent's seeds
ALICE_SEED = "alice dorado recovery phrase"
BOB_SEED = "bob dorado recovery phrase"
# Defining agents
alice = Agent(name="alice", seed=ALICE_SEED, enable_wallet_messaging=True)
bob = Agent(name="bob", seed=BOB_SEED, enable_wallet_messaging=True)

This step defines two agents, Alice and Bob, using predefined seed phrases. These agents will communicate with each other's wallets.

  • Agent 1 wallet message handler
# Define wallet message handler for alice
async def reply(ctx: Context, msg: WalletMessage):"Got wallet message: {msg.text}")
    await ctx.send_wallet_message(msg.sender, "hey, thanks for the message")

This step defines a message handler for Alice, which responds to incoming wallet messages from Bob. Upon receiving a message, Alice sends a reply.

  • Agent 2 wallet message handler and on_interval sender
# Sending message to Alice every 5 seconds
async def send_message(ctx: Context):"Sending message...")
    await ctx.send_wallet_message(alice.address, "hello")
# Define wallet message handler for bob
async def wallet_reply(ctx: Context, msg: WalletMessage):"Got wallet message: {msg.text}")

This step defines a message handler for Bob, which logs incoming wallet messages. Additionally, it sets up an interval function for Bob to send a message to Alice every 5 seconds.

  • Defining Bureau and adding agents
# Define bureau and adding agents
bureau = Bureau()

This step creates a Bureau, which manages the agents, and adds both Alice and Bob to it. Then, it starts the bureau to begin agent interactions.

Whole Script

This section presents the entire script in one block, allowing users to easily copy and paste it for testing or deployment.

from uagents import Agent, Bureau, Context
from uagents.wallet_messaging import WalletMessage
ALICE_SEED = "alice dorado recovery phrase"
BOB_SEED = "bob dorado recovery phrase"
alice = Agent(name="alice", seed=ALICE_SEED, enable_wallet_messaging = True)
bob = Agent(name="bob", seed=BOB_SEED, enable_wallet_messaging = True)
async def reply(ctx: Context, msg: WalletMessage):"Got wallet message: {msg.text}")
    await ctx.send_wallet_message(msg.sender, "hey, thanks for the message")
async def send_message(ctx: Context):"Sending message...")
    await ctx.send_wallet_message(alice.address, "hello")
async def wallet_reply(ctx: Context, msg: WalletMessage):"Got wallet message: {msg.text}")
bureau = Bureau()

Script Execution

  • Open terminal and navigate to the folder where is stored.
  • Run pip3 install uagents on your terminal.
  • Execute using python on terminal.

Expected Output

$ python 
INFO:     [alice]: Connecting to wallet messaging server
INFO:     [  bob]: Sending message...
INFO:     [  bob]: Connecting to wallet messaging server
INFO:     [bureau]: Starting server on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO:     [alice]: Got wallet message: hello
INFO:     [  bob]: Got wallet message: hey, thanks for the message
INFO:     [  bob]: Sending message...
INFO:     [alice]: Got wallet message: hello
INFO:     [  bob]: Got wallet message: hey, thanks for the message

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