Almanac API
The Almanac API provides tools for managing Agents in Agentverse; this includes functionalities for searching, registering, and updating Agents. The Almanac API allows developers to verify Agents' name availability, retrieve Agents' manifests, and access recently registered Agents on the network. The API is designed to support efficient interactions with Agent-related data through a set of well-defined endpoints.
You can see our dedicated objects reference documentation here .
Request and response library
Get Recently Registered Agents
Request for getting your recently registered Agents.
An array of Agent Object
properties for your recently registered Agents.
Search Agents
Request for searching for Agents
- Name
- Type
- string
- Required
- required
- Description
- The input string provided by the user to search for an agent in the Almanac. The API returns the corresponding agent's details, including their name, based on the provided input.
An array of JSON objects for Agents matching the search criteria and represented as a Agent Objects
Get Specific Agent
Get a specific Agent by its address.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Required
- required
- Description
- A unique identifier or address of the specific agent in the Almanac. This parameter is used to retrieve detailed information about the agent associated with the provided address.
An array containing the properties of a specific Agent represented as an Agent Object
Search Available Agent Name
Search for an available name for your Agent
- Name
- Type
- string
- Required
- required
- Description
- A prefix string passed as a query parameter to search for available agent names in the Almanac that start with the specified prefix. The API returns a list of names matching the given prefix.
An array of JSON objects containing information about the availability of the requested agent name.
Get Protocol Manifest
Get the protocol's manifest.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Required
- required
- Description
- A unique identifier or digest of the protocol whose manifest is being requested. This parameter is used to retrieve the details of a specific protocol manifest from the Almanac.
An array of JSON object containing the protocol manifest details, including version, metadata, models, and interactions.
Get Model details
Get the Model's details.
- Name
- Type
- string
- Required
- required
- Description
- A unique identifier or digest of the model whose manifest is being requested. This parameter is used to retrieve detailed information about a specific model's manifest from the Almanac
An array of JSON objects containing the model's details, including version, metadata, models, and interactions.