AI-Engine Chat API guide

AI-Engine Chat API guide 🤖

Introduction 👋

This guide offers details on utilizing the AI engine's chat API ↗️ to interact with AI engine and create deltaV ↗️ like GUI of own. We will demonstrate a python script that interacts with AI engine via the chat API, handling session IDs, sending messages, managing responses, and processing user requests and selections.

Prerequisites 📘

  • Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

Steps to get API Tokens

  • Go to Profile section in Agentverse ↗️ (opens in a new tab).
  • Click on button + New API Key.
  • Give name to your API key.
  • Click on write for Access to all resources in Agentverse and click on Generate API Key

Script Break down 🧩

  • Importing Required libraries:
# Importing Required libraries
import re
import requests
import time
import json

These libraries are used to handle user regular expressions, HTTP requests, time delays and JSON responses.

  • Setting up token.
token = f'Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>'  # Placeholder for API token

This script includes various functions for handling different API interactions. Below is a summary of the main functions and their respective purposes.

  1. normalize_question function:
# Define function to normalize questions asked by AI-engine
def normalize_question(question):
    question_lower = question.lower()
    question_normalized = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', question_lower)
    return question_normalized

This function converts questions from a JSON response, identified by the key 'text', into lowercase and removes any punctuation. It helps standardize user input for consistent processing.

  1. is_uuid function:
# Define function to check if option is uuid (Subtask Key)
def is_uuid(key):
    # Function to check if a string is a valid UUID
    pattern = re.compile(r"^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[1-4][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$", re.IGNORECASE)
    return pattern.match(key)

This function checks whether the given key is in UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) format.The function uses a regular expression pattern to match the standard UUID format, which consists of 32 hexadecimal characters split into five groups separated by hyphens (8-4-4-4-12).

  1. post_request function
# Function to handle GET requests
def post_request(url, json_data, headers):
    global token
    response =, json=json_data, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        print(f"Error {response.status_code}: {response.text}")
        return None
    return response

This function makes post request to Agentverse and if response is not 200 it responds with error details.

  1. get_request function
# Function to handle GET requests
def get_request(url, headers):
    global token
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        print(f"Error {response.status_code}: {response.text}")
        return None
    return response

This function makes get request to Agentverse and if response is not 200 it responds with error details.

  1. send_user_choice_as_uuid function:
# Function to send UUID choice message to AI-Engine
def send_user_choice_as_uuid(session_id, first_subtask , token):
    data = {
        "payload": {
            "type": "user_json",
            "user_json": {
                "type": "options",
                "selection": [first_subtask]
            "session_id": session_id
    return post_request(f"{session_id}/submit", data, {"Authorization": token})

This function responds makes request to AI_engine with UUID of first subtask from given recommendations. The payload parameter are explained below:

  • session_id - chat session Id on DeltaV.
  • first_subtask - UUID for the subtask.
  • token - AI-Engine fauna token to connect DeltaV or AI-Engine.
  1. send_user_message function:
# Function to send normal message to AI-Engine
def send_user_message(session_id, user_message, token):
    data = {
        "payload": {
            "type": "user_message",
            "user_message": user_message
        "session_id": session_id
    return post_request(f"{session_id}/submit", data, {"Authorization": token})

This function is designed to send a message from the user to the AI engine's ongoing chat session. This is used to submit user input as part of the chat flow. The session_id and token parameters are same as Send_user_choice_as_uuid function, user_message is the message which user wants to send to the ongoing chat session.

  1. stop_session functions:
def stop_session(session_id, token):
    data = {"payload": {"type": "stop"}}
    response = post_request(
        {"Authorization": token},
    print("Session stopped")

This function is designed to stop the ongoing deltaV chat session and exit from the script.

Main Script Flow

The main script flow includes:

  1. Importing required libraries.
  2. Setting up a chat session on DeltaV using AI Engine Chat API.
  3. Taking input from the user for service they want to assemble or objective to achieve.
  4. Handling the chat flow which includes sending messages and processing requests.
  5. Managing User selection from provided options.
  6. Handling special requests where agents ask the same questions back to back. (The same question is asked in agent_json and agent_info response type when user input is required.)
  7. Handling error codes provided by agent.
  8. Stopping chat session with the user after completion of objective.

Chunk-by-chunk explaination:

  • Setting up a Chat Session with AI_engine Chat API
# User and model details
data = {"email": "[email protected]", "requestedModel": "talkative-01"}
response_data = post_request(
    "", data, {"Authorization": token}
session_id = response_data.get("session_id")

The above section of code creates payload(data) for request to start a session. Please update the following details accordingly:

  1. email: Update this with your agentverse email-id.
  2. requestedModel: This is the chat model you want to make request to.

On the basis of details provided and POST request sent to chat API. AI-engine responds with a session-Id where we can communicate further with AI engine.

  • Taking user input from the user for service they would like to assemble/Objective they want to accomplish.
# Taking user query as input
objective = input("What Service would you like to assemble? ")
# Defining initial payload for quering deltaV
data2 = {
    "payload": {
        "type": "start",
        "objective": objective,
        "context": f"User full Name: Test User\nUser email: {data['email']}\nUser location: latitude=51.5072, longitude=0.1276\n",
        "session_id": session_id,
response = post_request(
    {"Authorization": token},
# waiting to get next response from AI engine
response = get_request(
    {"Authorization": token},

This section of code is responsible for sending a start message after chat session is initialized. Below is the step-by-step explaination:

  1. Taking user objective/query as input.
  2. Creating a payload to make a start request to AI-engine Chat API. which includes objective, username, location and session-id.
  3. POST start request with query to AI-Engine.
  4. Getting latest responses from AI-Engine chat API using GET Request.
  • Selecting required service from options and sending response back to AI_engine
agent_response = response["agent_response"][0]
agent_response_dict = json.loads(agent_response)
# Getting Services options for user's objective
agent_json = agent_response_dict["agent_json"]
# Taking input from user for which service to use.
for option in agent_json["options"]:
    print(f"{option['key']}: {option['value']}")
user_choice = input(
    "Please select an option by entering the corresponding key: Type_here "
# Payload for selected service
data3 = {
    "payload": {
        "type": "user_json",
        "user_json": {"type": "task_list", "selection": [user_choice]},
# Submitting selected service to AI Engine
response = post_request(
    {"Authorization": token},

The above section of code gets response for available services options for the user query or objective. Below is step-by-step guide to achieve this

  1. Getting agent response for the service options
  2. Displaying options to the user and taking user choice input.
  3. Creating payload for selected service.
  4. submitting selected service to AI Engine.
  • Handling the chat flow which includes sending messages and processing responses.
# Initialize variables to keep track of the last question and response
last_question = ""
last_response = ""
no_response_count = 0
# Main interaction loop
while True:
    response = get_request(
        {"Authorization": token},
    if response.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception(
            f"Error in fetching responses: Status code {response.status_code}"
    response = response.json()
    # Handling unresponsive AI Engine
    if not response["agent_response"]:
        no_response_count += 1
        # print('Waiting for response')
        if no_response_count < 10:
            continue  # Wait for a bit longer if no response yet
            print("No response from the agent.")
            stop_session(session_id, token)
            break  # Exit loop if no response after several attempts
    no_response_count = 0  # Reset counter on receiving a response

This section of the script implements a loop to continuously monitor responses from the AI Engine agent within a chat session:

  1. Initialize a counter for response to track empty deltaV agent responses.
  2. Tracing last interaction questions, and responses to avoid asking same questions to the user.
  3. The script is in continuous infinite loop repeatedly every 5 seconds unless we get 10 empty responses.
  4. Once we get response from AI Engine the counter resets to 0.
# Reading agent response
    for agent_resp in response["agent_response"]:
        agent_resp_dict = json.loads(
        )  # getting response dictionary from deltaV
        current_message_text = ""  # Setting current message to empty string
        if (
            agent_resp_dict.get("type") == "agent_json"
        ):  # handling agent_json type response
            agent_json = agent_resp_dict["agent_json"]
            current_message_text = normalize_question(
                agent_json.get("text", "")
            )  # Setting current message from deltaV
            # Handle options provided in agent_json
            if "options" in agent_json and agent_json["options"]:
                option_keys = [
                    str(option["key"]) for option in agent_json["options"]
                ]  # setting options keys in list to check if its UUID
                # Automatically select the first option if it's a UUID
                if is_uuid(option_keys[0]):
                    # print(f"Automatically selecting option: {option_keys[0]}") # Using first suggested subtask
                    send_user_choice_as_uuid(session_id, option_keys[0], token)
                    last_response = option_keys[0]  # Update last response
                    continue  # Skip the rest of the loop to wait for the next agent response
                    # If the first option is not a UUID, prompt for user input
                        agent_json.get("text", "")
                    )  # printing deltaV message on terminal
                    for option in agent_json["options"]:
                            f"{option['key']}: {option['value']}"
                        )  # Printing options on terminal
                    user_choice = input(
                        "Your Response: "
                    )  # Taking user selection from options
                        session_id, user_choice, token
                    )  # Sending response to deltaV
                    last_response = user_choice  # Update last response
                # No options provided
                        "Please confirm the details or provide the requested information:",
                )  # Printing user message
                if (
                    and "args" in agent_json["context_json"]
                ):  # Printing arguments to confirm if present
                    args = agent_json["context_json"]["args"]
                    for key, value in args.items():
                        print(f"{key}: {value}")
                user_confirmation = input(
                    "Your confirmation/details: "
                )  # Confirming arguements by user
                send_user_message(session_id, user_confirmation, token)
                last_response = user_confirmation  # Update last response

This section of scripts processes responses from AI engine is response type is json

  1. The loop continuously iterates through each response and converts json string into python dictionary.

  2. The script initializes current_message_text as an empty string to prepare for new messages.

  3. This script handles different types of responses. If the response type is agent_json: 3.1. Extracts the message and normalizes it using the normalize_question function, which converts the text to lowercase and removes punctuation. 3.2. Checks if there are options associated with the message, if there are: 3.2.1. It extracts the option keys and checks if the first option is a UUID, indicating a subtask trigger. 3.2.2. If it is a UUID, the script automatically selects first option without user intervention, updating last_response and skipping the remaining loop to await further responses. 3.2.3. If the options are not UUIDs, the script displays them to the user and prompts for a choice, which is then sent back to DeltaV using send_user_message.

    3.3. If the agent_json does not contain options (indicating a request for confirmation or information): 3.3.1. The script prints the message and, if present, details (arguments) for user confirmation. 3.3.2. It then collects user input and sends it back to DeltaV, updating last_response with the user's input for continuity.

elif (
            agent_resp_dict.get("type") == "agent_message"
        ):  # handling agent_message type response
            agent_message = agent_resp_dict.get("agent_message", "")
            # If agent_message repeats the last question, reuse last response
            if normalize_question(agent_message.split("?")[0]) == last_question:
                # print(f"Reusing your last response: {last_response}") # In case the question asked is same, use same response.
                send_user_message(session_id, last_response, token)
            elif (
                == "I have completed your task! Please reset your chat session before submitting your new request."
                    "I have completed your task! Please reset your chat session before submitting your new request."
                stop_session(session_id, token)
            else:  # if question not repeated taking input from user
                user_response = input("Your answer: ")
                send_user_message(session_id, user_response, token)
                last_response = user_response  # Update last response
  • Handling agent_message type response:
    1. If the questions asked is same as the previous response in agent_json, it automatically sends previous response to deltav using send_user_message message.
    2. If the resposne is task is completed the session is stopped.
    3. Else the input or is taken from user for the given question and sent to AI Engine agent using send_user_message and last_response is stored.
        # Stopping session in case of error.
        elif agent_resp_dict.get("type") == "agent_error":
            agent_message = agent_resp_dict.get("agent_error")
            stop_session(session_id, token)
  • This section of script handles error type response and stops the session in case of error with error message.
elif "agent_info" in agent_resp_dict:  # handling agent_info and stop messages
            # Print agent_info or handle stop type
            info_message = agent_resp_dict.get("agent_info", "")
            # print(f'Agent Info : {info_message}') # Print agent info
        elif agent_resp_dict.get("type") == "stop":
            # print('Stopping Session')
            stop_session(session_id, token)
                "Received an unhandled response type:", agent_resp_dict.get("type")
            )  # Handling any other message type
  • Handling agent_info, stop and unknown Type Responses:
    1. If the response contains 'agent_info' or the type is 'stop', the script processes these specific messages.
    2. For 'agent_info' type messages, it extracts and prints the information content provided by the agent. This could be feedback, status updates, or other informative messages relevant to the user's query or the chat session.
    3. If the message type is 'stop', the script prints "Session stopping." to indicate that the AI Engine session is ending.
    4. If the response type is not known it prints unhandled resposne type.
        # Update last_question with current message text up to a question mark
        last_question = current_message_text.split('?')[0] if '?' in current_message_text else current_message_text

This removes the options and punctuation mark from the question and updates the last_question object.

Whole Script
# Importing required libraries
import json
import re
import time
import requests
# Authorization token
token = f"Bearer <Place_your_API_token>"  # Placeholder for initial token
# Define function to normalize questions asked by AI engine
def normalize_question(question):
    question_lower = question.lower()
    question_normalized = re.sub(r"[^\w\s]", "", question_lower)
    return question_normalized
# Define function to check if a string is a valid UUID
def is_uuid(key):
    # Ensure the key is a string
    key_str = str(key)
    pattern = re.compile(
    return pattern.match(key_str)
# Function to handle POST requests with automatic token refresh
def post_request(url, json_data, headers):
    global token
    response =, json=json_data, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        print(f"Error {response.status_code}: {response.text}")
        return None
    return response
# Function to handle GET requests with automatic token refresh
def get_request(url, headers):
    global token
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    if response.status_code != 200:
        print(f"Error {response.status_code}: {response.text}")
        return None
    return response
# Functions to interact with the AI-Engine
def send_user_choice_as_uuid(session_id, user_choice, token):
    data = {
        "payload": {
            "type": "user_json",
            "user_json": {"type": "options", "selection": [user_choice]},
            "session_id": session_id,
    return post_request(
        {"Authorization": token},
def send_user_message(session_id, user_message, token):
    data = {
        "payload": {"type": "user_message", "user_message": user_message},
        "session_id": session_id,
    return post_request(
        {"Authorization": token},
def stop_session(session_id, token):
    data = {"payload": {"type": "stop"}}
    response = post_request(
        {"Authorization": token},
    print("Session stopped")
# User and model details
data = {"email": "<your_agentverse_email_address>", "requestedModel": "talkative-01"}
response_data = post_request(
    "", data, {"Authorization": token}
session_id = response_data.get("session_id")
# Taking user query as input
objective = input("What Service would you like to assemble? ")
# Defining initial payload for quering deltaV
data2 = {
    "payload": {
        "type": "start",
        "objective": objective,
        "context": f"User full Name: Test User\nUser email: {data['email']}\nUser location: latitude=51.5072, longitude=0.1276\n",
        "session_id": session_id,
response = post_request(
    {"Authorization": token},
# waiting to get next response from AI engine
response = get_request(
    {"Authorization": token},
agent_response = response["agent_response"][0]
agent_response_dict = json.loads(agent_response)
# Getting Services options for user's objective
agent_json = agent_response_dict["agent_json"]
# Taking input from user for which service to use.
for option in agent_json["options"]:
    print(f"{option['key']}: {option['value']}")
user_choice = input(
    "Please select an option by entering the corresponding key:  "
# Payload for selected service
data3 = {
    "payload": {
        "type": "user_json",
        "user_json": {"type": "task_list", "selection": [user_choice]},
# Submitting selected service to AI Engine
response = post_request(
    {"Authorization": token},
# Initialize variables to keep track of the last question and response
last_question = ""
last_response = ""
no_response_count = 0
# Main interaction loop
while True:
    response = get_request(
        {"Authorization": token},
    if response.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception(
            f"Error in fetching responses: Status code {response.status_code}"
    response = response.json()
    # Handling unresponsive AI Engine
    if not response["agent_response"]:
        no_response_count += 1
        if no_response_count < 10:
            continue  # Wait for a bit longer if no response yet
            print("No response from the agent.")
            stop_session(session_id, token)
            break  # Exit loop if no response after several attempts
    no_response_count = 0  # Reset counter on receiving a response
    # Reading agent response
    for agent_resp in response["agent_response"]:
        agent_resp_dict = json.loads(
        )  # getting response dictionary from AI Engine
        current_message_text = ""  # Setting current message to empty string
        if (
            agent_resp_dict.get("type") == "agent_json"
        ):  # handling agent_json type response
            agent_json = agent_resp_dict["agent_json"]
            current_message_text = normalize_question(
                agent_json.get("text", "")
            )  # Setting current message from AI Engine
            # Handle options provided in agent_json
            if "options" in agent_json and agent_json["options"]:
                option_keys = [
                    str(option["key"]) for option in agent_json["options"]
                ]  # setting options keys in list to check if its UUID
                # Automatically select the first option if it's a UUID
                if is_uuid(option_keys[0]):
                    # print(f"Automatically selecting option: {option_keys[0]}") # Using first suggested subtask
                    send_user_choice_as_uuid(session_id, option_keys[0], token)
                    last_response = option_keys[0]  # Update last response
                    continue  # Skip the rest of the loop to wait for the next agent response
                    # If the first option is not a UUID, prompt for user input
                        agent_json.get("text", "")
                    )  # printing AI Engine message on terminal
                    for option in agent_json["options"]:
                            f"{option['key']}: {option['value']}"
                        )  # Printing options on terminal
                    user_choice = input(
                        "Your Response: "
                    )  # Taking user selection from options
                        session_id, user_choice, token
                    )  # Sending response to deltaV
                    last_response = user_choice  # Update last response
                # No options provided
                        "Please confirm the details or provide the requested information:",
                )  # Printing user message
                if (
                    and "args" in agent_json["context_json"]
                ):  # Printing arguments to confirm if present
                    args = agent_json["context_json"]["args"]
                    for key, value in args.items():
                        print(f"{key}: {value}")
                user_confirmation = input(
                    "Your confirmation/details: "
                )  # Confirming arguements by user
                send_user_message(session_id, user_confirmation, token)
                last_response = user_confirmation  # Update last response
        elif (
            agent_resp_dict.get("type") == "agent_message"
        ):  # handling agent_message type response
            agent_message = agent_resp_dict.get("agent_message", "")
            # If agent_message repeats the last question, reuse last response
            if normalize_question(agent_message.split("?")[0]) == last_question:
                # print(f"Reusing your last response: {last_response}") # In case the question asked is same, use same response.
                send_user_message(session_id, last_response, token)
            elif (
                == "I have completed your task! Please reset your chat session before submitting your new request."
                    "I have completed your task! Please reset your chat session before submitting your new request."
                stop_session(session_id, token)
            else:  # if question not repeated taking input from user
                user_response = input("Your answer: ")
                send_user_message(session_id, user_response, token)
                last_response = user_response  # Update last response
        # Stopping session in case of error.
        elif agent_resp_dict.get("type") == "agent_error":
            agent_message = agent_resp_dict.get("agent_error")
            stop_session(session_id, token)
        elif "agent_info" in agent_resp_dict:  # handling agent_info and stop messages
            # Print agent_info or handle stop type
            info_message = agent_resp_dict.get("agent_info", "")
            # print(f'Agent Info : {info_message}') # Print agent info
        elif agent_resp_dict.get("type") == "stop":
            # print('Stopping Session')
            stop_session(session_id, token)
                "Received an unhandled response type:", agent_resp_dict.get("type")
            )  # Handling any other message type
        # Update last_question with current message text up to a question mark
        last_question = (
            if "?" in current_message_text
            else current_message_text

Save this script as and replace ‘email’ and ‘fauna_token’ in the script.

Running this app on the terminal:

  1. Locate the directory where the script is located.
  2. Open Agentverse ↗️ (opens in a new tab) and generate API keys.
  3. Open script in editor and replace access_token in script.
  4. Run script using python .
  5. Provide objective to the script.
  6. Confirm/ Reject the details whenever asked.
  7. Reply back to the agent when a question is asked.
  8. Once the final response is recieved session will be ended and script will be killed.

Please refer below for expected output of chat_api script.

abc@xyz-MacBook-Pro chatAPI % python3 
What Service would you like to assemble? I want to book a flight to dubai
0: Flights
1: TravelPlanner
2: Hotels
Please select an option by entering the corresponding key: Type_here 0
Please confirm the following details
latitude: 51.5072
longitude: 0.1276
Your confirmation/details: confirm
Which airport do you want to depart from
Your Response: LHR
Please confirm the following details
city: Dubai
country: United Arab Emirates
Your confirmation/details: confirm
Which airport do you want to fly to
Your Response: DXB
Is this a one-way trip or a return trip
one-way: one-way
return: return
Your Response: one-way
when do you want to fly out please provide the date in the format
Your confirmation/details: 31.01.2025
how many persons are going to fly?
Your answer: 1
Please confirm the following details
from: LHR
to: DXB
date: 31.01.2025
trip: one-way
persons: 1
Your confirmation/details: confirm
Select from following options:
0: Royal Brunei  for £334,  2025-01-31 16:55:00 - 2025-02-01 04:25:00, flight time 450 min
1: British Airways for £174,  08:05:00 - 21:50:00, flight time 585 min
2: British Airways for £468,  2025-01-31 21:35:00 - 2025-02-01 08:30:00, flight time 415 min
3: Virgin Atlantic for £462,  2025-01-31 22:00:00 - 2025-02-01 09:10:00, flight time 430 min
4: British Airways for £468,  2025-01-31 20:40:00 - 2025-02-01 07:45:00, flight time 425 min
5: Emirates for £481,  2025-01-31 22:00:00 - 2025-02-01 08:45:00, flight time 405 min
6: British Airways for £468,  12:45:00 - 23:45:00, flight time 420 min
7: Emirates for £481,  2025-01-31 19:00:00 - 2025-02-01 05:50:00, flight time 410 min
8: Emirates for £481,  2025-01-31 20:20:00 - 2025-02-01 07:20:00, flight time 420 min
9: Emirates for £481,  2025-01-31 15:50:00 - 2025-02-01 02:40:00, flight time 410 min
Your Response: 3
I am sorry, but I could not finish: 'Flights'.
Session stopped
abc@xyz-MacBook-Pro chatAPI % 

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