DeltaV Compatible Dialogues Agent
In this example we will create an agent on Agentverse which can handle multiple stocks price request in deltaV using Dialogues .
To test agents using Dialogues or ChitChat on DeltaV, users must select the Next generation personality type in DeltaV (opens in a new tab) when providing your query through the dedicated bar. The Next Generation AI Engine personality stands as a significant AI Engine personality type offering enhanced scalability, reliability, and flexibility. The major key features include advanced context understanding, improved function recommendations, and the ability to handle diverse dialogue formats.
Please check out the example code in our examples repo (opens in a new tab) to run this locally.
Supporting documentation
- Creating an hosted agent on agentverse
- Registering agentverse functions
- Field description for deltaV
Step 1: Create agent and Import Required libraries
Open Agentverse (opens in a new tab), create a new agent and include the below script.
We need to import predefined AI engine dialogue and Dialogue Messages: Import required libraries import json from ai_engine.chitchat import ChitChatDialogue from ai_engine.messages import DialogueMessage from uagents import Agent, Context, Model
Step 2: Define dialogues message
Each dialogue transition needs a separate message:
deltav-dialogues.pyclass InitiateChitChatDialogue(Model): """I initiate ChitChat dialogue request""" pass class AcceptChitChatDialogue(Model): """I accept ChitChat dialogue request""" pass class ChitChatDialogueMessage(DialogueMessage): """ChitChat dialogue message""" pass class ConcludeChitChatDialogue(Model): """I conclude ChitChat dialogue request""" pass class RejectChitChatDialogue(Model): """I reject ChitChat dialogue request""" pass
Step 3: Define functions to get symbol and stock price
Setup the functions making API calls to get ticker symbol and stock price:
deltav-dialogues.pyasync def get_symbol(company_name): url = f"{company_name}&apikey={API_KEY}" response = requests.get(url) data = response.json() if 'bestMatches' in data and data['bestMatches']: first_match = data['bestMatches'][0] symbol = first_match['1. symbol'] return symbol else: return f"No symbol found for {company_name}." async def get_stock_price(symbol): url = f"{symbol}&interval=1min&apikey={API_KEY}" response = requests.get(url) data = response.json() print(data) if 'Time Series (1min)' in data: latest_time = sorted(data['Time Series (1min)'].keys())[0] latest_data = data['Time Series (1min)'][latest_time] current_price = latest_data['1. open'] return current_price else: return "Error: Unable to fetch stock price."
Step 4: instantiate the dialogues
deltav-dialogues.pychitchat_dialogue = ChitChatDialogue( version="<YOU_CAN_SETUP_OWN_VERSION>", #example 0.11.1, )
Step 5: Define different event handlers for the dialogues async def start_chitchat( ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: InitiateChitChatDialogue, ):"Received init message from {sender} Session: {ctx.session}") # do something when the dialogue is initiated await ctx.send(sender, AcceptChitChatDialogue()) @chitchat_dialogue.on_start_dialogue(AcceptChitChatDialogue) async def accepted_chitchat( ctx: Context, sender: str, _msg: AcceptChitChatDialogue, ): f"session with {sender} was accepted. This shouldn't be called as this agent is not the initiator." ) @chitchat_dialogue.on_reject_session(RejectChitChatDialogue) async def reject_chitchat( ctx: Context, sender: str, _msg: RejectChitChatDialogue, ): # do something when the dialogue is rejected and nothing has been sent yet"Received conclude message from: {sender}") @chitchat_dialogue.on_continue_dialogue(ChitChatDialogueMessage) async def continue_chitchat( ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: ChitChatDialogueMessage, ): # do something when the dialogue continues"Received message: {msg.user_message} from: {sender}") symbol = await get_symbol(msg.user_message) stock_price = await get_stock_price(symbol) final_string = f'The price for your {msg.user_message} is $ {stock_price}' try: await ctx.send( sender, ChitChatDialogueMessage( type="agent_message", agent_message=final_string ), ) except EOFError: await ctx.send(sender, ConcludeChitChatDialogue()) @chitchat_dialogue.on_end_session(ConcludeChitChatDialogue) async def conclude_chitchat( ctx: Context, sender: str, _msg: ConcludeChitChatDialogue, ): # do something when the dialogue is concluded after messages have been exchanged"Received conclude message from: {sender}; accessing history:") agent.include(chitchat_dialogue, publish_manifest=True)
Step 6: Save the API key and Run the script in agentverse
To get the API key visit Alphavantage (opens in a new tab) get the free API key and save new secret as
Step 7: Create a DeltaV function and fill in the required details
The function details are as below:
- Name: Stocks Price Dialogue.
- AI description: This Function helps user to check stocks or share price for more than one company.
Rest all details will be auto populated. Use DeltaV to perform Agentverse Agent chit chat.