React app with agents 'on_query' decorator
This example shows how to build a React application integrated with a flask backend, using various Agents to perform tasks such as fetching news, scrapping webpage data and also getting the sentiment of news using hugging face FinBERT model of HF inference API (opens in a new tab).
Please check out the example code in our examples repo (opens in a new tab) to run this locally.
Supporting Documents
- How to use on_query decorator
- How to create an Agent
- Registering in the Almanac Contract
- Almanac contract overview
- Node.js : Download and install from Node.js official website (opens in a new tab)
- Python : Download and install from Python official website (opens in a new tab)
- Flask : Install via pip
pip install Flask flask-cors
- React : Setup a news project
npx create-react-app finbert-news-sentiment-analysis cd finbert-news-sentiment-analysis npm start
Project Structure
Outline of basic structure of the project:
finbert-news-sentiment-analysis/ ├── frontend/ │ ├── public/ │ │ └── index.html │ ├── src/ │ │ ├── components/ │ │ │ ├── NewsFeed.jsx │ │ │ ├── SearchComponent.jsx │ │ │ └── SearchComponent.css │ │ ├── app.css │ │ └── index.js │ ├── package.json │ └── package-lock.json │ ├── backend/ │ ├── # Flask application │ ├── requirements.txt │ └── agents/ │ ├── # Handles fetching news │ ├── # Handles URL extraction │ └── # Handles sentiment analysis │ └── # Project documentation
Backend Setup
In this section we will set up Agents and as well as flask app which will respond to different endpoints.
Flask Application (''):
- Define routes for fetching news_urls, scrapping news content and get FinBERT sentiments.
- Utilize Agents to handle specific tasks.
app.pyfrom flask import Flask from flask_cors import CORS from uagents.query import query from uagents import Model import json # Define Request Data Model classes for interacting with different agents class NewsRequest(Model): company_name: str class UrlRequest(Model): company_name: str class wrapRequest(Model): url : str class SentimentRequest(Model): news : str # Initialize Flask application app = Flask(__name__) CORS(app) # Enables CORS for all domains on all routes # Define agent addresses news_agent_address = "agent1q2e9kfdrxfa5dxn6zeyw47287ca36cdur9xevhmdzzfmf4cwlmahv73mpev" news_content_agent_address = "agent1qvumqq9xju7musr82l6ulqsvgka7d7z77jvvdrkyyr7n5s0u0lfdvse6k4t" sentiment_agent_address = "agent1q2pm392d2uux3wjsydatd4zhagrtq0lrwfgw4s8pv4x0090sfzk9qpgztaz" @app.route('/') def home(): return "Welcome to the Company Analyzer API!" # Define an asynchronous endpoint to get news for a given company @app.route('/api/news/<string:company_name>', methods=['GET']) async def get_news(company_name): response = await query(destination=news_agent_address, message=NewsRequest(company_name=company_name), timeout=15.0) data = json.loads(response.decode_payload()) print(data) return data["news_list"] # Define an asynchronous endpoint to analyse sentiment for a given company @app.route('/api/sentiment/<string:company_name>', methods=['GET']) async def get_sentiment(company_name): urls = await query(destination=news_agent_address, message=UrlRequest(company_name=company_name), timeout=15.0) data = json.loads(urls.decode_payload()) sentiments = [] content_list = [] sentiment_scores = {} url_list = data.get("url_list", []) # For each URL, query for content and perform sentiment analysis for url in url_list: content = await query(destination=news_content_agent_address, message=wrapRequest(url=url), timeout=15.0) news_summary = json.loads(content.decode_payload()) summary_text = news_summary.get('summary', '') cleaned_text = summary_text.replace('\u00a0', ' ') if len(cleaned_text) > 100: content_list.append(cleaned_text) for content in content_list: sentiment = await query(destination=sentiment_agent_address, message=SentimentRequest(news=content), timeout=15.0) data = json.loads(sentiment.decode_payload()) sentiment = data.get("sentiment", []) sentiments.append(sentiment) for sentiment in sentiments: label,score = sentiment.split(',') score = float(score) if label in sentiment_scores: sentiment_scores[label].append(score) else: sentiment_scores[label] = [score] sentiment_means = {label: sum(scores) / len(scores) for label, scores in sentiment_scores.items() if scores} # Calculate average sentiment scores and determine the predominant sentiment if sentiment_means: max_sentiment = max(sentiment_means, key=sentiment_means.get) final_sentiment = str(max_sentiment) + ' : ' +str(round(sentiment_means[max_sentiment],2)) return final_sentiment else: return None, None # Start the Flask application in debug mode if __name__ == '__main__':
- News and URL agent: Fetches news articles titles and url for them as well. Import Required libraries import requests import os from uagents import Agent, Context, Model from uagents.setup import fund_agent_if_low # Define Request and Response Models class NewsRequest(Model): company_name: str class UrlRequest(Model): company_name: str class NewsResponse(Model): news_list : list class UrlResponse(Model): url_list: list class ErrorResponse(Model): error : str ALPHA_VANTAGE_API_KEY = os.getenv('ALPHA_VANTAGE_API_KEY') GNEWS_API_KEY = os.getenv('GNEWS_API_KEY') # Define function to get ticker symbol for given company name async def fetch_symbol(company_name): url = f"{company_name}&apikey={ALPHA_VANTAGE_API_KEY}" response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() # Typically, the best match will be the first item in the bestMatches list if data.get('bestMatches') and len(data['bestMatches']) > 0: Symbol = data['bestMatches'][0]['1. symbol'] # Return the symbol of the best match return Symbol else: return 'No Symbol found' else: return 'No Symbol found' async def fetch_news(company_name): # get news urls and description for the given news company or ticker url = f"{company_name}&token={GNEWS_API_KEY}&lang=en" response = requests.get(url) articles = response.json().get('articles', []) # Return a list of titles and descriptions with hyperlinks news_list = [] for article in articles: article_url = article.get('url', 'No url') description = article.get("description", "No Description") # Create a hyperlink using HTML anchor tag hyperlink = {"url": article_url, "title": description} news_list.append(hyperlink) return news_list async def fetch_url(company_name): # Get the news url's for given company name or symbol url = f"{company_name}&token={GNEWS_API_KEY}&lang=en" response = requests.get(url) articles = response.json().get('articles', []) # Return a list of titles and descriptions with hyperlinks url_list = [] for article in articles: article_url = article.get('url', 'No url') url_list.append(article_url) return url_list # Define News Agent NewsAgent = Agent( name="NewsAgent", port=8000, seed="News Agent secret phrase", endpoint=[""], ) # Registering agent on Almanac and funding it. fund_agent_if_low(NewsAgent.wallet.address()) # On agent startup printing address @NewsAgent.on_event('startup') async def agent_details(ctx: Context):'Search Agent Address is {NewsAgent.address}') # On_query handler for news request @NewsAgent.on_query(model=NewsRequest, replies={NewsResponse}) async def query_handler(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: NewsRequest): try:'Fetching news details for company_name: {msg.company_name}') symbol = await fetch_symbol(msg.company_name)' Symbol for company provided is {symbol}') if symbol != None: #if company symbol fetch successfully getting news using ticker symbol else using the company name itself. news_list = await fetch_news(symbol) else: news_list = await fetch_news(msg.company_name) await ctx.send(sender, NewsResponse(news_list=news_list)) except Exception as e: error_message = f"Error fetching job details: {str(e)}" ctx.logger.error(error_message) # Ensure the error message is sent as a string await ctx.send(sender, ErrorResponse(error=str(error_message))) # On_query handler for news_url request @NewsAgent.on_query(model=UrlRequest, replies={UrlResponse}) async def query_handler(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: UrlRequest): try:'Fetching news url details for company_name: {msg.company_name}') symbol = await fetch_symbol(msg.company_name)' Symbol for company provided is {symbol}') if symbol != None: url_list = await fetch_url(symbol) else: url_list = await fetch_url(msg.company_name) await ctx.send(sender, UrlResponse(url_list=url_list)) except Exception as e: error_message = f"Error fetching job details: {str(e)}" ctx.logger.error(error_message) # Ensure the error message is sent as a string await ctx.send(sender, ErrorResponse(error=str(error_message))) if __name__ == "__main__":
Get your Alphavantage (opens in a new tab) and Gnews (opens in a new tab)
API keys and update it in the virtual environment.
- WebScraper Agent: Scraps the webpage content for the given URL. Import Required libraries import requests import aiohttp from uagents import Agent, Context, Model from uagents.setup import fund_agent_if_low from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import time # Define data Models to handle request class wrapRequest(Model): url : str class Message(Model): message : str class wrapResponse(Model): summary : str class ErrorResponse(Model): error : str # Define webscraper Agent webScraperAgent = Agent( name="Web Scraper Agent", port=8001, seed="Web Scraper Agent secret phrase", endpoint=[""], ) # Define function to scrap webpage and get paragraph content. async def get_webpage_content(url): try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get(url) as response: if response.status == 200: response_text = await response.text() soup = BeautifulSoup(response_text, 'html.parser') for script_or_style in soup(["script", "style", "header", "footer", "nav", "aside"]): script_or_style.decompose() text_blocks = soup.find_all('p') text_content = ' '.join(block.get_text(strip=True) for block in text_blocks if block.get_text(strip=True)) words = text_content.split() limited_text = ' '.join(words[:500]) # Limit to first 500 words for faster response of sentiment agent. return limited_text else: return "Error: Unable to fetch content." except Exception as e: return f"Error encountered: {str(e)}" # On agent startup printing address @webScraperAgent.on_event('startup') async def agent_details(ctx: Context):'Search Agent Address is {webScraperAgent.address}') # On_query handler to handle webpage wrapping @webScraperAgent.on_query(model=wrapRequest, replies={wrapResponse}) async def query_handler(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: wrapRequest): try:'URL wrapper for request : {msg.url}') news_content = await get_webpage_content(msg.url) if "Error" not in news_content: await ctx.send(sender, wrapResponse(summary = news_content)) else: await ctx.send(sender, ErrorResponse(error = "ERROR" + news_content)) except Exception as e: error_message = f"Error fetching job details: {str(e)}" ctx.logger.error(error_message) # Ensure the error message is sent as a string await ctx.send(sender, ErrorResponse(error=str(error_message))) if __name__ == "__main__":
- Sentiment Agent: Provides sentiment of news content provided using HF API and FinBERT model. Import Required libraries import requests from uagents import Agent, Context, Model from uagents.setup import fund_agent_if_low import time import asyncio import aiohttp import json # Define Request and Response Data Models class SentimentRequest(Model): news : str class SentimentResponse(Model): sentiment : str class ErrorResponse(Model): error : str # Define Sentiment analysis Agent SentimentAgent = Agent( name="Sentiment Agent", port=8002, seed="Sentiment Agent secret phrase", endpoint=[""], ) # Registering agent on Almanac and funding it. fund_agent_if_low(SentimentAgent.wallet.address()) # Define function to provide sentiment for given content async def sentiment_analysis(news): API_URL = "" headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer <Hugging face API>"} payload = {"inputs": news} async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with, headers=headers, json=payload) as response: if response.status == 200: sentiments = await response.json() await asyncio.sleep(5) # Proper async sleep # Flatten the list of dicts to a single list flattened_sentiments = [item for sublist in sentiments for item in sublist] max_sentiment = max(flattened_sentiments, key=lambda s: s['score']) max_label = str(max_sentiment['label']) max_score = str(round(max_sentiment['score'], 3)) return f"{max_label},{max_score}" else: return "Error: Failed to fetch data from API" # On agent startup printing address @SentimentAgent.on_event('startup') async def agent_details(ctx: Context):'Search Agent Address is {SentimentAgent.address}') # On_query handler for processing sentiment request @SentimentAgent.on_query(model=SentimentRequest, replies={SentimentResponse}) async def query_handler(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: SentimentRequest): try: sentiment = await sentiment_analysis( if sentiment == "Error: Failed to fetch data from API": sentiment = await sentiment_analysis([:500]) # if model is not ale to perform sentiment request we will just take string with 500 characters[:300]) await ctx.send(sender, SentimentResponse(sentiment = sentiment)) except Exception as e: error_message = f"Error fetching job details: {str(e)}" ctx.logger.error(error_message) # Ensure the error message is sent as a string await ctx.send(sender, ErrorResponse(error=str(error_message))) if __name__ == "__main__":
aiohttp==3.9.5 aiosignal==1.3.1 beautifulsoup4==4.12.3 bs4==0.0.2 cosmpy==0.9.2 grpcio==1.63.0 jsonschema==4.22.0 msgpack==1.0.8 multidict==6.0.5 packaging==24.0 requests==2.31.0 uagents==0.11.1 urllib3==2.2.1 uvicorn==0.20.0 websockets==10.4 yarl==1.9.4
- Activate virtual environment using
source venv/bin/activate
. - Install libraries using
pip install -r requirements.txt
in your terminal.
- Activate virtual environment using
Frontend Setup
import React from 'react'; function NewsFeed({ news }) { return ( <div className="news-feed"> <h2>News Titles</h2> {news.length > 0 ? ( <ul> {, index) => ( <li key={index}> <a href={item.url} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">{item.title}</a> </li> ))} </ul> ) : ( <p>No news found.</p> )} </div> ); } export default NewsFeed;
import React, { useState } from 'react'; import './SearchComponent.css'; // Importing CSS for styling function SearchComponent({ onSearch }) { const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState(''); const handleSubmit = (event) => { event.preventDefault(); onSearch(searchTerm); // This function would be passed down from the parent component or defined here to handle the search logic }; return ( <div className="search-area"> <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> <input type="text" placeholder="Enter Company Name" value={searchTerm} onChange={(e) => setSearchTerm(} /> <button type="submit">Search</button> </form> </div> ); } export default SearchComponent;
.search-area { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; height: 100px; /* Approx 1 inch */ background-color: #007BFF; /* Blue background */ } .search-area form { display: flex; gap: 20px; } .search-area input { padding: 8px; border-radius: 4px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .search-area button { background-color: #0056b3; color: white; border: none; border-radius: 4px; padding: 8px 16px; cursor: pointer; } .search-area button:hover { background-color: #004494; }
:.App { text-align: center; } .search-container, .news-feed, .stock-info { margin: 20px; padding: 10px; } input[type="text"] { margin-right: 10px; } .news-feed div { margin: 5px; } button { background-color: red; color: white; border: none; padding: 10px 20px; cursor: pointer; } button:hover { opacity: 0.8; } .news-feed { margin-top: 20px; padding: 10px; background-color: #f4f4f4; border-radius: 5px; color: black; text-decoration: none; } .news-feed a:hover { color: black; text-decoration: underline; } .news-feed ul { list-style-type: none; padding: 0; } .news-feed li { margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 5px; background-color: #fff; border-radius: 4px; color: black; /* Black color for text */ text-align: left; } .sentiment-block { margin-top: 30px; padding: 10px; background-color: #dff0d8; color: #3c763d; border-radius: 5px; font-size: 20px; text-align: center; } .sentiment-block.neutral { background-color: #fcf8e3; color: #8a6d3b; } .sentiment-block.negative { background-color: #f2dede; color: #a94442; } .title-bar { background-color: #007BFF; color: white; padding: 10px 0; font-size: 24px; }
:// Import necessary React libraries and components import React, { useState } from 'react'; import SearchComponent from './components/SearchComponent'; import NewsFeed from './components/NewsFeed'; import './App.css'; // Import CSS for styling // Define the main React functional component function App() { // State hooks to manage news data, sentiment, and type of sentiment const [news, setNews] = useState([]); const [sentiment, setSentiment] = useState(''); const [sentimentType, setSentimentType] = useState(''); // Function to handle search operations const handleSearch = async (searchTerm) => { try { // API request to fetch news based on a search term const newsResponse = await fetch(`${searchTerm}`); const newsData = await newsResponse.json(); // Convert response to JSON setNews(newsData); // Update the news state console.log('Fetched news:', newsData); // Log the fetched news data // API request to fetch sentiment analysis for the search term const sentimentResponse = await fetch(`${searchTerm}`); const sentimentData = await sentimentResponse.text(); // Get response as text console.log('Fetched sentiment:', sentimentData); // Log the fetched sentiment processSentiment(sentimentData); // Process the fetched sentiment text } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to fetch data:', error); // Log any errors setNews([]); // Reset news state on error setSentiment(''); // Reset sentiment state on error setSentimentType(''); // Reset sentiment type state on error } }; // Helper function to process the sentiment text and update state const processSentiment = (sentimentText) => { const parts = sentimentText.split(':'); // Split sentiment text by colon const sentimentValue = parts[0].trim().toLowerCase(); // Extract sentiment label and normalize it setSentiment(sentimentText); // Update sentiment state setSentimentType(sentimentValue); // Update sentiment type state }; // Render the application UI return ( <div className="App"> <SearchComponent onSearch={handleSearch} /> // Search component with search handler <NewsFeed news={news} /> // News feed component to display news {sentiment && <div className={`sentiment-block ${sentimentType}`}>{sentiment}</div>} // Conditionally render sentiment block </div> ); } export default App; // Export the App component for use in other parts of the application
Setup and Running the application
Backend Setup (Flask and Agents)
Setup virtual environment:
- Navigate to your project's backend directory:
cd path/to/your/backend
- Create a virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual environment:
# For Windows venv\Scripts\activate # For MacOS/Linux source venv/bin/activate
Install Dependencies:
- Ensure
is in the backend directory and contains all the necessary packages. - Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Ensure
Start the Flask Application:
- Make sure the Flask app (
) is configured correctly with routes and agent interactions. - Run the Flask app:
- Make sure the Flask app (
Run the Agents:
- Ensure each agent script (e.g.,
) is ready and configured. - Start each agent in a separate terminal or command prompt to handle specific tasks:
python python python
- Ensure each agent script (e.g.,
Frontend Setup (React)
Navigate to the Frontend Directory:
- Change into your project's frontend directory where the React app is located.
cd path/to/your/Frontend
Install Dependencies:
- Install the required node modules specified in
npm install
- Install the required node modules specified in
Start the React Development Server:
- Run the following command to start the React development server:
npm start
- This typically starts the React application on
Accessing the Application
- Open your web browser and go to
. You should see your React application's interface. - Use the search component to input a company name and fetch news and sentiment data, which will be displayed accordingly.