AI Agents
Agents: broadcast 📡

Agents: broadcast 📡


Protocols cover a very important role within the uAgents Framework. Protocols ↗ī¸ define the standards through which agents communication takes place. In this example, we will be showcasing a scenario where three agents, named alice, bob, and charles, use a custom protocol to communicate. In the example, Alice and Bob support the protocol, whereas Charles attempts to send broadcast messages to all agents using the protocol.

Let's get started!


  1. First of all, let's create a Python script for this task, and name it: touch

  2. We then need to import the Agent, Bureau, Context, Model, and Protocol classes from the uagents library, and the fund_agent_if_low from uagents.setup. Then, let's create the 3 different agents using the class Agent. Each agent is initialized with a unique name and a seed phrase for wallet recovery. Additionally, if an agent's wallet balance is low, the fund_agent_if_low() function is called to add funds to their wallet:

    from uagents import Agent, Bureau, Context, Model, Protocol
    from uagents.setup import fund_agent_if_low
    alice = Agent(name="alice", seed="alice recovery phrase")
    bob = Agent(name="bob", seed="bob recovery phrase")
    charles = Agent(name="charles", seed="charles recovery phrase")

    It is optional but useful to include a seed parameter when creating an agent to set fixed addresses ↗ī¸ī¸. Otherwise, random addresses will be generated every time you run the agent.

  3. Let's then define two message data models to define the type of messages being handled and exchanged by the agents. We define a BroadcastExampleRequest and a BroadcastExampleResponse data models. Finally, create a protocol named proto with version 1.0:

    class BroadcastExampleRequest(Model):
    class BroadcastExampleResponse(Model):
        text: str
    proto = Protocol(name="proto", version="1.0")
  4. Let's now define a message handler function for incoming messages of type BroadcastExampleRequest in the protocol:

    @proto.on_message(model=BroadcastExampleRequest, replies=BroadcastExampleResponse)
    async def handle_request(ctx: Context, sender: str, _msg: BroadcastExampleRequest):
        await ctx.send(sender, BroadcastExampleResponse(text=f"Hello from {}"))

    Here we defined a handle_request() function which is used whenever a request is received. This sends a response back to the sender. This function is decorated with the .on_message() decorator indicating that this function is triggered whenever a message of type BroadcastExampleRequest is received. The function sends a response containing a greeting message with the name of the agent that sent the request in the first place.

  5. Now, we need to include the protocol into the agents. Specifically, the protocol is included in both alice and bob agents. This means they will follow the rules defined in the protocol when communicating:


    After the first registration in the Almanac ↗ī¸ smart contract, it will take about 5 minutes before the agents can be found through the protocol.

  6. It is now time to define the behavior and function of charles agent.

    async def say_hello(ctx: Context):
        await ctx.experimental_broadcast(proto.digest, message=BroadcastExampleRequest())
    async def handle_response(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: BroadcastExampleResponse):"Received response from {sender}: {msg.text}")

    In the first part, we use the .on_interval() decorator to define an interval behavior for this agent when the script is being run. In this case, the agent will execute the say_hello() function every 5 seconds. The Context object is a collection of data and functions related to the agent. Inside the say_hello() function, the agent uses the ctx.experimental_broadcast() method to send a broadcast message. The message is of type BroadcastExampleRequest() and it is being sent using the protocol's digest (proto.digest).

    Then, we defined a .on_message() decorator which decorates handle_response() function. This function handles all incoming messages of type BroadcastExampleResponse from other agents. When a response is received, it logs the information. Inside the handle_response()function, the agent logs an informational message` method to print the sender and the content of the message. The message includes the sender's name and the text content of the response message.

  7. We are now ready to set up a Bureau object for agents to be run together at the same time, and we add alice, bob, and charles to it using the bureau.add() method:

    bureau = Bureau(port=8000, endpoint="http://localhost:8000/submit")
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    The bureau is assigned to listen on port=8000 and specifies an endpoint at "http://localhost:8000/submit" for submitting data.

  8. Save the script.

The overall script should look as follows:
from uagents import Agent, Bureau, Context, Model, Protocol
from uagents.setup import fund_agent_if_low
# create agents
# alice and bob will support the protocol
# charles will try to reach all agents supporting the protocol
alice = Agent(name="alice", seed="alice recovery phrase")
bob = Agent(name="bob", seed="bob recovery phrase")
charles = Agent(name="charles", seed="charles recovery phrase")
class BroadcastExampleRequest(Model):
class BroadcastExampleResponse(Model):
    text: str
# define protocol
proto = Protocol(name="proto", version="1.0")
@proto.on_message(model=BroadcastExampleRequest, replies=BroadcastExampleResponse)
async def handle_request(ctx: Context, sender: str, _msg: BroadcastExampleRequest):
    await ctx.send(sender, BroadcastExampleResponse(text=f"Hello from {}"))
# include protocol
# Note: after the first registration on the almanac smart contract, it will
# take about 5 minutes before the agents can be found through the protocol
# let charles send the message to all agents supporting the protocol
async def say_hello(ctx: Context):
    await ctx.experimental_broadcast(proto.digest, message=BroadcastExampleRequest())
async def handle_response(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: BroadcastExampleResponse):"Received response from {sender}: {msg.text}")
bureau = Bureau(port=8000, endpoint="http://localhost:8000/submit")
if __name__ == "__main__":

Run the script

Make sure to have activated your virtual environment correctly.

Run the script: python

The output would be:

[setup]: Adding testnet funds to agent...
[setup]: Adding testnet funds to agent...complete
[alice]: Registering on almanac contract...
[alice]: Registering on almanac contract...complete
[  bob]: Registering on almanac contract...
[  bob]: Registering on almanac contract...complete
[charles]: Registering on almanac contract...
[charles]: Registering on almanac contract...complete
[bureau]: Starting server on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
[charles]: Received response from agent1q0mau8vkmg78xx0sh8cyl4tpl4ktx94pqp2e94cylu6haugt2hd7j9vequ7: Hello from bob
[charles]: Received response from agent1qww3ju3h6kfcuqf54gkghvt2pqe8qp97a7nzm2vp8plfxflc0epzcjsv79t: Hello from alice
[charles]: Received response from agent1q0mau8vkmg78xx0sh8cyl4tpl4ktx94pqp2e94cylu6haugt2hd7j9vequ7: Hello from bob
[charles]: Received response from agent1qww3ju3h6kfcuqf54gkghvt2pqe8qp97a7nzm2vp8plfxflc0epzcjsv79t: Hello from alice
[charles]: Received response from agent1q0mau8vkmg78xx0sh8cyl4tpl4ktx94pqp2e94cylu6haugt2hd7j9vequ7: Hello from bob
[charles]: Received response from agent1qww3ju3h6kfcuqf54gkghvt2pqe8qp97a7nzm2vp8plfxflc0epzcjsv79t: Hello from alice

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