ASI Wallet Companion App
Within the Fetch Network, an essential tool is the Companion App which works similarly to any block explorer, thus offering the opportunity for users to navigate and analyze the blockchain network data and related information.
You can access the Companion App here (opens in a new tab).
Overall, an explorer provides a user-friendly interface for viewing and tracking on-chain activities, including transactions, blocks, smart contracts, wallet addresses and so on. By allowing users to search for and verify blockchain data, a block explorer serves as an essential resource for developers, researchers, and anyone looking to understand the workings of a blockchain ecosystem.
Companion App Functionalities
Blocks Page
The Blocks page of the Companion App UI provides a detailed breakdown of each specific block, making it easy for users to analyze individual transactions and understand the context of on-chain activities. It is useful for developers, network validators, and anyone looking to verify or trace transactions on the blockchain.
The Block Summary provides a high-level overview of recent network activity, including:
- Block Height: it indicates the latest block number on the blockchain.
- Block Count (last 24h): it shows the number of blocks created in the past 24 hours.
- Transaction Count (last 24h): it displays the total number of transactions processed in the last 24 hours.
- Block Time: it is the average time it takes to create a new block, measured in seconds.
On the other hand, the Recent Blocks section provides a table that lists the most recent blocks added to the blockchain, thus making it easy for users to track historical block data. The page offers multiple data details, including:
- Block Number (Hash): it displays the unique block number and its associated hash. Clicking on the block number or hash may lead to a detailed block view.
- Created At: it is the timestamp when the block was created, along with how long ago it occurred.
- Proposer: it is the validator that proposed the block. Validators' names (e.g., Kiln, Altruistic Automaton, are shown alongside their icons or logos.
- Transaction Count (Tx count): it is the number of transactions included within each block.
You can click on a specific Block, you can enter the Block Details page. This page provides in-depth information about the specific block on the blockchain:
Here, you can explore multiple information about the specific Block you choose, including:
- Block Height: it indicates the block's position in the blockchain.
- Block Time: it displays the time the block was created, with the timestamp and time elapsed. It also indicates if the block time is Expected or otherwise.
- Proposer: it is the validator who proposed the block which is shown with a corresponding logo or icon.
- Transaction Count (Tx counts): it is the number of transactions included in the block.
- Gas Used / Wanted: it is the amount of gas used by the block's transactions compared to the total gas available.
- Hash: it is the unique hash representing the block, which you can copy if needed.
In the Transactions Section, you have an overview of all details related to all transactions included in that specific block, including:
- Transaction Hash (Tx hash): it is the unique identifier for each transaction. Clicking on the hash leads to a detailed transaction view.
- Time: it is the timestamp when the transaction was included in the block.
- Result: it is the status of the transaction.
- Messages: it describes the action taken.
- Height: it is the block height where the transaction is recorded.
Transactions Page
The Transactions page provides a comprehensive view of the transactions activity on the Network. It allows users to monitor recent transactions, assess network activity over different time periods, and verify individual transaction details.
Then Transactions Summary Section provides an overview of the transaction statistics:
- Total Transactions: it is the cumulative number of transactions processed on the network.
- Transactions (last 30 days): Number of transactions processed over the past 30 days.
- Transactions (yesterday): Transactions that occurred on the previous day.
- TPS (Last 20 blocks): it is the average Transactions Per Second (TPS) calculated based on the most recent 20 blocks.
Within the Transactions table, you have a view of each individual transactions with the following details:
- Transaction Hash (Tx hash): It is the unique identifier for each transaction.
- Time: it is the time at which the transaction was processed.
- Result: it shows the status of the transaction.
- Messages: it indicates the type of action performed.
- Height: it indicates the block height in which the transaction was included.
By clicking on the Transaction Hash, you will be redirected to the Transaction Details page where you will be able to find all needed information about that specific transaction, as shown below:
Reconciliation Page
The Reconciliation Service enables users with Hardware Wallets to recover funds migrated from the Fetch Staking platform on Ethereum to the Fetch Mainnet. By linking their ASI Alliance Wallet and Metamask, users can securely associate their Ethereum staking address with a Fetch recovery address to restore access to their tokens.
You can access the service via the Companion App (opens in a new tab) and follow the steps provided. For a detailed overview, see this guide here