ASI Alliance Wallet
How to install ASI Alliance Wallet
Install ASI Alliance Wallet (version 0.19.2). The ASI Alliance Wallet is supported by all Chromium-based web browsers, including Chrome, Brave, Edge, Decentr as well as Firefox. You can install it for your Chrome or Chromium-based browser here (opens in a new tab) or Firefox (opens in a new tab)
To install the ASI Alliance Wallet, follow these steps:
- Open your web browser and go to Google.
- Type "ASI Alliance Wallet" in the search bar.
- From the search results, select the first option that appears (it should match the image provided).
- Click on Add to Extension to install ASI Alliance Wallet.
- To use ASI Alliance Wallet, click on the ASI Alliance Wallet button in your browser. This will redirect you to the ASI Alliance Wallet landing page.
- After opening the Wallet, you will see options like Create new wallet and Import existing wallet.
On Boarding
How to set up ASI Alliance Wallet
You can choose between Create new wallet and Import existing wallet.
Create a new Wallet
You will need to Create a new seed phrase. Make sure you do not lose it!
Create New seed phrase
- Securely backup your mnemonic seed phrase. Also make sure to accept the Terms and Conditions as shown below.
- Set a password and a name for your account. The next time you wish to use the wallet or make significant changes to your account, this password will be required so make sure to save it properly!
- You will then need to confirm the mnemonic seed, by reordering the mnemonic phrases by clicking on them in the correct sequence.
- User is now all set to begin your ASI Alliance Wallet journey.
Import a wallet
By choosing this option, you will need to choose among 3 different option to import an existing wallet.
Let's dive into them here below.
Use a seed phrase or a private key
- Mobile app: When a user opens the mobile app and already has an account created on the web, they can import their existing account into the mobile app.
- Mnemonic Seed or Private Key: The user can choose to import their account by pasting the mnemonic seed (12 or 24 words) or the private key.
- Additionally, you can input the name of the account and set a password for it.
- After completing the import process and providing the necessary details, the user's existing account will be successfully set up and ready to use in the mobile app.
Connect Ledger
If you use the ASI Alliance Wallet together with a Ledger Hardware Wallet and want to retain your key and mnemonics there, then:
- Select Connect ledger.
- Set a password for your account and give it a name. The next time you wish to use the wallet or make significant changes to your account, this password will be required.
Click here for More Details
Migrate from ETH
If you already have a Metamask account, you can import an existing wallet following these steps:
- Select Migrate from ETH.
- On the next page, click Migrate a Metamask Private Key.
- You will be taken to the main import screen, where you can provide the Account Name, the Ethereum Address you are migrating from (i.e., in this case, your Metamask ETH address). This is used to ensure that the private key matches. Finally, copy the Private Key from your Metamask account.
- If this is your first key in the wallet, you will be prompted to create a global password for your wallet. The password will be required the next time you use the wallet or make changes to your account.
- After completing the import process and providing the necessary details, the user's existing account is successfully set up and ready to use in the mobile app.