AI Agents
Running a Locally Hosted Agent with LangChain Integration

Running a Locally Hosted Agent with LangChain Integration

When you want to run an agent on your own hardware or infrastructure locally, this is easy to do on any system that support Python > 3.10


This guide demonstrates how to run an agent on your own hardware or infrastructure, making it accessible over Agentverse and DeltaV using the Mailroom โ†—๏ธ. The example uses a locally hosted agent that utilizes LangChain's Wikipedia integration to process requests related to Wikipedia search. To get this agent to be DeltaV โ†—๏ธ accessible, we will also go to Agentverse โ†—๏ธ to create a new service for the agent to then allow this agent to be found in DeltaV.


  • Python 3.10 or newer.
  • An Agentverse โ†—๏ธ (opens in a new tab) account to create service and mailroom's mailbox.
  • uagents and langchain_community libraries installed in your Python environment:
    • pip install uagents, pip install langchain_community.
  • pip install wikipedia to install Wikipedia.

Agent Configuration

Configure your agent script LangChain's Wikipedia integration for handling Wikipedia search requests.


from import WikipediaQueryRun
from langchain_community.utilities import WikipediaAPIWrapper
from uagents.setup import fund_agent_if_low
from uagents import Agent, Context, Protocol, Model
from pydantic import Field
from ai_engine import UAgentResponse, UAgentResponseType
# Extend your protocol with Wikipedia data fetching
class WikiReq(Model):
    search_keyword: str = Field(description="This describes the keyword you want to search on wiki")
SEED_PHRASE = "<Secret Phrase for your agent>"
# Copy the address shown below
print(f"Your agent's address is: {Agent(seed=SEED_PHRASE).address}")
AGENT_MAILBOX_KEY = "Your_mailbox_address"
# Now your agent is ready to join the agentverse!
WikiAgent = Agent(
    name="Wiki Agent",
fund_agent_if_low(WikiAgent.wallet.address()) #funding agent.
wiki_protocol = Protocol("Wiki Protocol")
@wiki_protocol.on_message(model=WikiReq, replies={UAgentResponse})
async def load_dalle(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: WikiReq):
    wikipedia = WikipediaQueryRun(api_wrapper=WikipediaAPIWrapper())
        result =
    except Exception as e:"Error generating response: {e}")
    # Send an error response back to the user
    await ctx.send(
        sender, UAgentResponse(message=str(result), type=UAgentResponseType.FINAL)
WikiAgent.include(wiki_protocol, publish_manifest=True)

Run the script in local machine using python and get the agent's address. Use this agent's address to create an mailbox โ†—๏ธ (opens in a new tab) and replace with Your_Mailbox_key


Remember to replace Your_Mailbox_key key with Agentverse Mailbox key.

Using on_message handler, agent takes the search keyword and returns the information with that keyword to the deltaV agent for that address.

.run() initialises the agent.

Rerun the script python, this will initialize the agent so agent can receive messages, and other agents know where to communicate with them.

We define our protocol, which is just an string as seen in the WikiRequest object.

Finally, we run our agent as follows: python

Expected output:

Your agent's address is: agent1qd2gnx72un4yzhxjqlx0z6gr39e8q9v03ehgprrphu9evuhszvrsgmggyjh
INFO:     [Wiki Agent]: Manifest published successfully: Wiki Protocol
INFO:     [Wiki Agent]: Almanac registration is up to date!
INFO:     [Wiki Agent]: Connecting to mailbox server at
INFO:     [Wiki Agent]: Mailbox access token acquired

Creating a service group

For this example we set up a really simple service with a new private service group Wikidata, for further information on services and service groups see Registering Agent Services โ†—๏ธ.

Interacting on DeltaV

Then we head over to DeltaV โ†—๏ธ (opens in a new tab) and get the AI Engine โ†—๏ธ to interact with our agent on our behalf.

Follow the above steps so that you can run an agent, create a service for the agent and then have that agent accessible by DeltaV.

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