AI Agents
How to use on_query decorator

How to use on_query decorator


on_query decorator in uagents is used to register a function as a handler for incoming queries that match a specified model. These decorators enable the agent to respond to queries in an event-driven manner.


  1. First of all navigate to directory where you want to create your project.

  2. Create a Python script name by running touch

  3. We need to import json, asyncio, uagent's Model and query. Then we would need to define the query format using the QueryRequest class as a subclass of Model:

    # import required libraries
    import json
    import asyncio
    from uagents import Model
    from uagents.query import query
    # Add your agent's address
    AGENT_ADDRESS = "Agent Address"
    class QueryRequest(Model):
        query: str
  4. Create agent_query function to send query to agent and decode the response received.

    async def agent_query(req):
        response = await query(destination=AGENT_ADDRESS, message=req, timeout=15.0)
        data = json.loads(response.decode_payload())
        return data["text"]
  5. Create make_agent_call function to handle query responses by the agent.

    async def make_agent_call(req: QueryRequest):
            response = await agent_query(req)
            return f"successful call - agent response: {response}"
        except Exception:
            return "unsuccessful agent call"
  6. Finally, to run the script and send a query to the agent, initialize a QueryRequest object with your query message, then call make_agent_call within an asyncio event loop. This will send the query to the specified agent address and print the response, indicating whether the call was successful or not. This completes the setup for using the on_query decorator in a uAgents project to handle incoming queries.

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        request = QueryRequest(message="Your query here")

On_query Script
# Importing required libraries
import json
import asyncio
from uagents import Model
from uagents.query import query
# Define the agent's address to send queries to.
AGENT_ADDRESS = "Agent Address"
# Define a model for the query request.
class QueryRequest(Model):
    query: str
# Asynchronous function to send a query to the specified agent.
async def agent_query(req):
    response = await query(destination=AGENT_ADDRESS, message=req, timeout=15.0)
    data = json.loads(response.decode_payload())# Decode the payload from the response and load it as JSON.
    return data["text"]
# Asynchronous function to make a call to an agent and handle the response.
async def make_agent_call(req: QueryRequest):
        response = await agent_query(req)
        return f"successful call - agent response: {response}"
    except Exception:
        return "unsuccessful agent call"
# Main block to execute the script.
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create a QueryRequest instance with your query and run make_agent_call with request.
    request = QueryRequest(message="Your query here")

Agent's script

For the agent section, the script sets up a uAgents-based agent to handle incoming queries. It defines two models: QueryRequest for incoming queries and Response for replies. Upon startup, it logs the agent's details. The core functionality lies in the query_handler, decorated with @QueryAgent.on_query, which processes received queries and sends back a predefined response. This demonstrates creating responsive agents within the uagents Framework, showcasing how they can interact with other agents or services in an asynchronous, event-driven architecture.
from uagents import Agent, Context, Model
# Define the request and response model.
class QueryRequest(Model):
    message: str  # The query message.
class Response(Model):
    text: str  # The response text.
# Initialize the agent with its configuration.
QueryAgent = Agent(
    name="Query Agent",  
    seed="Query Agent Seed Phrase",
# Getting agent details on startup
async def startup(ctx: Context):"Starting up {}")"With address: {QueryAgent.address}")"And wallet address: {QueryAgent.wallet.address()}")
# Decorator to handle incoming queries.
@QueryAgent.on_query(model=QueryRequest, replies={Response})
async def query_handler(ctx: Context, sender: str, _query: QueryRequest):"Query received")  # Log receipt of query.
        await ctx.send(sender, Response(text="success"))
    except Exception:
        await ctx.send(sender, Response(text="fail"))
# Main execution block to run the agent.
if __name__ == "__main__":

Expected Output


    INFO:     [Query Agent]: Almanac registration is up to date!
    INFO:     [Query Agent]: Starting up Query Agent
    INFO:     [Query Agent]: With address: agent1qgfytc9e7ketwqc06xndvjmznqgr3md8w43hzxdv2hasp25ya43j2mnd32e
    INFO:     [Query Agent]: And wallet address: fetch1qlq2nnegdj3axk7ms3qgrez7l6032s2k9s7704
    INFO:     [Query Agent]: Starting server on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
    INFO:     [Query Agent]: Query received

    successful call - agent response: success

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