Agentverse: allowed imports

Agentverse: allowed imports


In the Agentverse ↗️ (opens in a new tab) code editor, you have the freedom to import and utilize a selected set of modules to create your code, while maintaining security and control. These pre-approved modules offer a diverse range of functionalities, allowing you to build complex agents.

The modules available on the Agentverse are:

Allowed imports


Build fast and lightweight for decentralized scenarios using the uagents Framework. Checkout the ↗️ documentation and the uagents package ↗️ (opens in a new tab) for more information.

  • Available classes: Model, Context, Protocol.


    from uagents import Context, Model
    class Message(Model):
        text: str
    async def print_message(ctx: Context):
        msg = Message(text=f"Hello there my wallet address is {ctx.wallet}.")


Simply interact with JSON data structures. This package provides functionality for encoding and decoding JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data.

  • Available functions: dumps, loads.


    import json
    some_json =  '{ "agent":"Alice", "age":"1 day"}'
    # JSON to python dictionary
    python_dict = json.loads(some_json)
    # python dictionary to JSON:
    some_json_2 = json.dumps(python_dict)
    # the result is a JSON string equal to some_json:


This package allows you to interact with HTTP requests and responses.

  • Available functions: get, post, put, patch, delete.


    import requests
    response = requests.get('')
    if response.status_code == 200:
    elif response.status_code == 404:
        print('Not Found.')


A Python library for interacting with Cosmos-based blockchains. Checkout the CosmPy ↗️ documentation and the CosmPy package ↗️ (opens in a new tab)for more information.

  • Full access to all functions and features.


    from cosmpy import aerial
    # Define network configuration, faucet and ledger
    network = aerial.client.NetworkConfig.fetchai_stable_testnet()
    faucet_api = aerial.faucet.FaucetApi(network)
    ledger = aerial.client.LedgerClient(network)
    MINIMUM_BALANCE = 100000000000000000
    async def get_tokens(ctx: Context):
        agent_balance = ledger.query_bank_balance(ctx.wallet)
        if agent_balance < MINIMUM_BALANCE:
            print("Providing wealth to agent...")


A library allowing you to handle date and time operations with ease.

  • Full access to all functions and features.


    import datetime
    today =
    print(f"Today is: {today.year}:{today.month}:{}")


A library to create enumerations with symbolic names and unique values.

  • Full access to all functions and features.


    from enum import Enum
    class Agent(Enum):
        alice = 1
        bob = 2
        carl = 3


A package to ensure data validation and settings management. It simplifies the process of defining and validating data models by providing a way to declare and enforce data types, constraints, and validation rules on Python data structures.

  • Full access to all functions and features.


    from pydantic import BaseModel
    data = {
        "name": "alice",
        "age": 21
    class User(BaseModel):
        name: str
        age: int
    user = User(**data)


A library that provides access to various mathematical functions and constants for performing mathematical operations.

  • Full access to all functions and features.


    import math
    # Basic mathematical operations
    print(math.sqrt(25))  # Output: 5.0
    print(math.pow(2, 3))  # Output: 8.0
    # Trigonometric functions
    print(math.cos(0))  # Output: 1.0
    # Logarithmic and exponential functions
    print(math.log(10))  # Output: 2.302585092994046


This provides functions for working with time-related functions, including time measurement, manipulation, and conversions. It allows Python programs to handle time expressions, perform time-related calculations, and work with time values in different formats.

  • Full access to all functions and features.


    import time
    current_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S")  # Get the current time in HH:MM:SS format
    print("Current time is:", current_time)


It stands for "Universally Unique Identifier". It is a Python library used for generating universally unique identifiers based on various algorithms. These identifiers are unique across space and time, making them highly suitable for various purposes where uniqueness is essential, such as database keys, identifiers in distributed systems, and more.

  • Full access to all functions and features.


    import uuid
    # Generating a version 4 (random) UUID
    unique_id = uuid.uuid4()


Integrate Agents with the AI Engine to perform a wide variety tasks, including in booking services, make reservations, and provide answers to different queries. Checkout the AI Engine ↗️ documentation and the AI Engine package ↗️ (opens in a new tab) for further information.

  • Full access to all functions and features.


    from uagents import Context, Model, Protocol
    from ai_engine import UAgentResponse, UAgentResponseType
    simples = Protocol(name="simples", version="v1.1")
    class Request(Model):
        message: str
    @simples.on_message(model=Request, replies={UAgentResponse})
    async def handle_message(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: Request):
        await ctx.send(sender, UAgentResponse(message="0", type=UAgentResponseType.FINAL))


This package is used for generating random numbers, managing random selections, and handling random data. It provides various functions for generating random values, shuffling sequences, and making random selections.

  • Full access to all functions and features.


    # Generate a random integer within a specified range
    random_integer = random.randint(1, 10)
    print(random_integer)  # Output: (any integer between 1 and 10)
    # Shuffle a list
    my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    print(my_list)  # Output: [3, 1, 4, 5, 2] (shuffled list)
    # Select a random item from a list
    my_item = random.choice(my_list)
    print(my_item)  # Output: (any element from the list)


MySQLdb is a Python library for accessing MySQL databases. It provides a Python interface to MySQL, allowing you to interact with MySQL databases from within your Python code.

  • Full access to all functions and features.


    import MySQLdb
    # Connect to the MySQL database
    connection = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost', user='username', passwd='password', db='database_name')
      # Create a cursor object to execute SQL queries
      cursor = connection.cursor()
      # Example query: Select all rows from a table
      cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM your_table")
      # Print the fetched rows
      for row in cursor.fetchall():
      # Close the cursor and connection


pymongo allows Python applications to interact with MongoDB databases, making it easy to perform various database operations such as inserting, updating, deleting, and querying documents.

  • Full access to all functions and features.


    from pymongo import MongoClient
    # Connect to MongoDB server
    client = MongoClient('mongodb://localhost:27017/')
    # Access a specific database
    db = client['my_database']
    # Access a specific collection within the database
    collection = db['my_collection']
    # Insert a document into the collection
    document = {'name': 'John', 'age': 30, 'city': 'New York'}
    # Query documents from the collection
    query = {'city': 'New York'}
    result = collection.find(query)
    # Print the documents returned by the query
    for doc in result:
    # Close the connection to MongoDB


_strptime is a method from the datetime module in Python, specifically used for parsing date and time strings into datetime objects. Example:

from datetime import datetime
date_string = "2024-04-23"
format_string = "%Y-%m-%d"
date_object = datetime.strptime(date_string, format_string)


hashlib is a Python library that provides interfaces to various secure hash and message digest algorithms. It's commonly used for generating hash values for data integrity verification, password hashing, digital signatures, and more.

  • Full access to all functions and features.


    import hashlib
    # String to hash
    data = "Hello, world!"
    # Create a SHA-256 hash object
    hash_object = hashlib.sha256()
    # Update the hash object with the data
    # Get the hexadecimal digest (hash value) of the data
    hash_value = hash_object.hexdigest()
    print("SHA-256 Hash:", hash_value)


hmac stands for Hash-based Message Authentication Code. It's a Python module that implements the HMAC algorithm as described in RFC 2104. HMAC is a cryptographic hash function that adds a shared secret key to the hashing process, providing a way to verify both the integrity and authenticity of a message.

  • Full access to all functions and features.


    import hmac
    import hashlib
    # Secret key (shared between sender and receiver)
    secret_key = b'my_secret_key'
    # Message to authenticate
    message = b'Hello, world!'
    # Generate HMAC using SHA-256 hash function and secret key
    hmac_digest =, message, hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
    print("HMAC:", hmac_digest)


base64 is a Python module that provides functions for encoding and decoding binary data using the Base64 encoding scheme. Base64 encoding converts binary data into a ASCII string format, which is useful for transmitting binary data over protocols that require plain text, such as email or HTTP headers.

  • Full access to all functions and features.


    import base64
    # String to encode
    data = "Hello, world!"
    # Encode the string to Base64
    encoded_data = base64.b64encode(data.encode())
    print("Encoded:", encoded_data)
    # Decode the Base64-encoded data
    decoded_data = base64.b64decode(encoded_data).decode()
    print("Decoded:", decoded_data)


re is a Python module providing support for working with regular expressions. Regular expressions (often abbreviated as regex or regexp) are sequences of characters that define a search pattern, which is useful for finding, replacing, or manipulating strings based on specific patterns.

  • Full access to all functions and features.


    import re
    # String containing a pattern
    text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
    # Define a regular expression pattern
    pattern = r'fox'
    # Search for the pattern in the string
    match =, text)
    if match:
      print("Pattern found at index:", match.start())
      print("Pattern not found.")

Multi-file Support

The Agentverse Code Editor enhances your agent development experience with multi-file support, enabling you to tackle complex projects with ease. Leverage this feature to:

  • Interact between files: simply import functions, classes, and variables from one file to another.
  • Modular development: divide your projects into manageable components for streamlined creation.
  • Code reuse: utilize modules across various sections of your project for efficient development.
  • Enhanced organization: maintain a structured and organized codebase for easier maintenance.

If you want to create new files you just need to click on + New File on Agentverse ↗️ (opens in a new tab) inside your managed agent.

You can create a Python message file with the following Model class:

from uagents import Model
class Sentence(Model):
    text: str

Then, you can just import the Sentence data model to your file and make use of it:

from uagents import Context
from message import Sentence
async def print_message(ctx: Context):
    msg = Sentence(text=f"Hello there my wallet address is {ctx.wallet}.")

Explore the Agentverse guides ↗️ and Agentverse concepts ↗️ for additional guides and documentation resources!

For additional information on services, head over to Agentverse Services ↗️.

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