AI Agents
How to use the agents to simulate a cleaning scenario ✨

How to use the agents to simulate a cleaning scenario ✨


In this guide we will show how to set up protocols and different Agents to implement a cleaning service between clients and cleaning service providers using the uagents library.

What you need

For this example, you need to have installed multiple libraries. Below, you can find the ones you need and related commands to install them directly from the terminal:

  1. uagents ↗️.
  2. tortoise: pip install tortoise-orm.
  3. geopy: pip install geopy.
  4. pytz: pip install pytz.


  1. First of all, you need to navigate towards the directory you created for your project and create a folder for this task: mkdir cleaning_demo.

  2. Inside this folder we will create another folder for our protocols: mkdir protocols.

  3. Within the protocols folder, let's create a sub-folder: mkdir cleaning. This is the folder including all of the scripts for our cleaning protocol to run correctly.

  4. After having defined our protocols folder, we need to create 2 scripts, one for our user and the other one for cleaner agents.

We can start by writing the code for our protocol.

Cleaning Protocol

The Cleaning Protocol is made up of two scripts: and


First, we need to define a models protocol which defines the structure and relationships of users, service types, providers, and availability within the cleaning service application. The defined models and their relationships will be used for data storage, retrieval, and manipulation throughout the application's logic.

  1. First of all, navigate towards the cleaning directory and create a Python script for this task and name it by running: touch

  2. We then import the necessary classes from enum and tortoise libraries, and then define the different data models:
    from enum import Enum
    from tortoise import fields, models
    class ServiceType(int, Enum):
        FLOOR = 1
        WINDOW = 2
        LAUNDRY = 3
        IRON = 4
        BATHROOM = 5
    class User(models.Model):
        id = fields.IntField(pk=True)
        name = fields.CharField(max_length=64)
        address = fields.CharField(max_length=100)
        created_at = fields.DatetimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    class Service(models.Model):
        id = fields.IntField(pk=True)
        type = fields.IntEnumField(ServiceType)
    class Provider(models.Model):
        id = fields.IntField(pk=True)
        name = fields.CharField(max_length=64)
        location = fields.CharField(max_length=64)
        created_at = fields.DatetimeField(auto_now_add=True)
        availability = fields.ReverseRelation["Availability"]
        services = fields.ManyToManyField("models.Service")
        markup = fields.FloatField(default=1.1)
    class Availability(models.Model):
        id = fields.IntField(pk=True)
        provider = fields.OneToOneField("models.Provider", related_name="availability")
        max_distance = fields.IntField(default=10)
        time_start = fields.DatetimeField()
        time_end = fields.DatetimeField()
        min_hourly_price = fields.FloatField(default=0.0)

    We defined the following data models:

    • ServiceType is an enumeration class that defines different types of cleaning services. Each service type is associated with an integer value. Service types include FLOOR, WINDOW, LAUNDRY, IRON, and BATHROOM.

    • User is a model representing the users of the cleaning service. It takes in the following fields:

      • id: Auto-incrementing integer field serving as the primary key.
      • name: Character field with a maximum length of 64 for the user's name.
      • address: Character field with a maximum length of 100 for the user's address.
      • created_at: DateTime field automatically set to the current timestamp when the user is created.
    • Service is model representing types of cleaning services. It takes in the following fields:

      • id: Auto-incrementing integer field serving as the primary key.
      • type: Enum field storing the ServiceType enumeration values.
    • Provider is a model representing cleaning service providers. It considers the following fields:

      • id: Auto-incrementing integer field serving as the primary key.
      • name: Character field with a maximum length of 64 for the provider's name.
      • location: Character field with a maximum length of 64 for the provider's location.
      • created_at: DateTime field automatically set to the current timestamp when the provider is created.
      • availability: Reverse relation to the Availability model.
      • services: Many-to-many relationship with the Service model.
      • markup: Float field representing the markup applied to service prices.
    • Availability is a model representing the availability of a cleaning service provider. It considers the following fields:

      • id: Auto-incrementing integer field serving as the primary key.
      • provider: One-to-one relationship to the Provider model.
      • max_distance: Integer field representing the maximum distance a provider can travel for services.
      • time_start: DateTime field indicating the start time of availability.
      • time_end: DateTime field indicating the end time of availability.
      • min_hourly_price: Float field representing the minimum hourly price for services.
  3. Save the script.

Now that we have defined the protocols for this application, we proceed by defining the user and cleaner agents.


Now let's define a protocol handling communication between a user requesting a cleaning service and a cleaning service provider.

  1. Inside the cleaning directory, create a Python script for this task and name it by running: touch

  2. Install geopy using pip install geopy in your terminal.(Geopy helps to know details about location and also calculate distance between two places.)

  3. Let's import the necessary classes from datetime, typing, geopy.geocoders, geopy.distance, uagents, and .models. Let's then define the message models and handlers for the service request, service response, service booking, and booking response using the uagents library. We then proceed and create a cleaning_proto object using the agents Protocol class. We give it the name cleaning and the version 0.1.0. This protocol will be used to define handlers and manage communication between agents using the defined message models:

    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    from typing import List
    from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
    from geopy.distance import geodesic
    from uagents import Context, Model, Protocol
    from .models import Provider, Availability, User
    PROTOCOL_NAME = "cleaning"
    PROTOCOL_VERSION = "0.1.0"
    class ServiceRequest(Model):
        user: str
        location: str
        time_start: datetime
        duration: timedelta
        services: List[int]
        max_price: float
    class ServiceResponse(Model):
        accept: bool
        price: float
    class ServiceBooking(Model):
        location: str
        time_start: datetime
        duration: timedelta
        services: List[int]
        price: float
    class BookingResponse(Model):
        success: bool
    cleaning_proto = Protocol(name=PROTOCOL_NAME, version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
  4. We would then need to define an in_service_region function, which determines whether a user's location is within the service area of a cleaning service provider. This function uses the geopy library for geolocation-related calculations and comparisons:

    def in_service_region(
        location: str, availability: Availability, provider: Provider
    ) -> bool:
        geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="micro_agents")
        user_location = geolocator.geocode(location)
        cleaner_location = geolocator.geocode(provider.location)
        if user_location is None:
            raise RuntimeError(f"user location {location} not found")
        if cleaner_location is None:
            raise RuntimeError(f"provider location {provider.location} not found")
        cleaner_coordinates = (cleaner_location.latitude, cleaner_location.longitude)
        user_coordinates = (user_location.latitude, user_location.longitude)
        service_distance = geodesic(user_coordinates, cleaner_coordinates).miles
        in_range = service_distance <= availability.max_distance
        return in_range

    This function takes in the following parameters:

    • location: The location of the user as a string (e.g., an address).
    • availability: An instance of the Availability class that holds information about the provider's availability.
    • provider: An instance of the Provider class that holds information about the cleaning service provider.

    The function starts by creating a geolocator object from the Nominatim class with a user agent string micro_agents. The geolocator is then used to obtain the geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) of both the user's location and the provider's location. The function checks whether the geocoding for both locations was successful. If either location is not found, it raises a RuntimeError with a relevant error message. The geographical coordinates of the user's location and the provider's location are used to calculate the distance (in miles) between them using the geodesic function from the geopy.distance module. The calculated distance is stored in the service_distance variable. Finally, the function compares the calculated service_distance with the maximum distance allowed for the provider's availability: if the calculated distance is less than or equal to the provider's maximum distance, the user's location is considered within the service range, and the in_range variable is set to True. Otherwise, the in_range variable is set to False. The function returns the value of in_range, which indicates whether the user's location is within the service area of the provider.

  5. We then need to define an event handler using the @cleaning_proto.on_message decorator. This handler is responsible for processing incoming service requests, evaluates various conditions, and generates appropriate responses indicating whether the request is accepted and proposing a price if applicable. It takes in ServiceRequest messages and generates ServiceResponse messages as responses:

    @cleaning_proto.on_message(model=ServiceRequest, replies=ServiceResponse)
    async def handle_query_request(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: ServiceRequest):
        provider = await Provider.filter(
        availability = await Availability.get(provider=provider)
        services = [int(service.type) for service in await]
        markup = provider.markup
        user, _ = await User.get_or_create(name=msg.user, address=sender)
        msg_duration_hours: float = msg.duration.total_seconds() / 3600"Received service request from user `{}`")
        if (
            set( <= set(services)
            and in_service_region(msg.location, availability, provider)
            and availability.time_start <= msg.time_start
            and availability.time_end >= msg.time_start + msg.duration
            and availability.min_hourly_price * msg_duration_hours < msg.max_price
            accept = True
            price = markup * availability.min_hourly_price * msg_duration_hours
  "I am available! Proposing price: {price}.")
            accept = False
            price = 0
  "I am not available. Declining request.")
        await ctx.send(sender, ServiceResponse(accept=accept, price=price))

    We defined a @cleaning_proto.on_message() decorator. Within the decorator, we defined the handle_query_request() function which is the actual event handler that gets executed when a ServiceRequest message is received. It takes the following arguments: ctx, sender, and msg.

    The handler first retrieves the provider's information, availability, services, and markup using the context's information. It uses the User.get_or_create method to get or create a user instance based on the user's name and sender address. The function then calculates the message duration in hours. The handler then checks multiple conditions to decide whether the service request can be accepted:

    • Whether the requested services are within the provider's available services.
    • Whether the user's location is within the provider's service area using the in_service_region function.
    • Whether the requested time is within the provider's availability.
    • Whether the calculated price based on the minimum hourly price and markup is within the user's maximum price.

    If all conditions are met, the handler sets accept to True and calculates the proposed price based on the markup and availability's minimum hourly price. If any condition is not met, the handler sets accept to False and the price to 0. Finally, the handler sends a ServiceResponse message back to the sender with the calculated accept flag and price. The handler logs relevant information using the method.

  6. We then define another event handler, handle_book_request() function, using the @cleaning_proto.on_message() decorator. This handler processes incoming booking requests, evaluates various conditions, and generates appropriate responses indicating whether the service request was successful. It is triggered whenever a ServiceBooking message is received and generates a BookingResponse messages as response:

    @cleaning_proto.on_message(model=ServiceBooking, replies=BookingResponse)
    async def handle_book_request(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: ServiceBooking):
        provider = await Provider.filter(
        availability = await Availability.get(provider=provider)
        services = [int(service.type) for service in await]
        user = await User.get(address=sender)
        msg_duration_hours: float = msg.duration.total_seconds() / 3600"Received booking request from user `{}`")
        success = (
            set( <= set(services)
            and availability.time_start <= msg.time_start
            and availability.time_end >= msg.time_start + msg.duration
            and msg.price <= availability.min_hourly_price * msg_duration_hours
        if success:
            availability.time_start = msg.time_start + msg.duration
  "Accepted task and updated availability.")
        # send the response
        await ctx.send(sender, BookingResponse(success=success))

    We defined the @cleaning_proto.on_message() decorator which is triggered when a ServiceBooking message is received. The event handler handle_book_request() function gets executed when a ServiceBooking message is received. It takes the following parameters: ctx, sender, and msg. The handler starts by retrieving the provider's information, availability, and services using the context's information. It also retrieves the user instance based on the sender's address, and calculates the message duration in hours. The function then checks multiple conditions to decide whether the booking request can be accepted:

    • Whether the requested services are within the provider's available services.
    • Whether the requested time is within the provider's availability.
    • Whether the requested price is within the acceptable range based on the availability's minimum hourly price and duration.

    If the booking request meets the conditions for success, the handler updates the availability's start time to account for the duration of the service, and then saves the updated availability information. It then uses the method to log that the task has been accepted and availability has been updated. Regardless of success, the handler sends a BookingResponse message back to the sender with a flag indicating whether the booking request was successful or not.

  7. Save the script.

The overall script should look as follows:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import List
from geopy.geocoders import Nominatim
from geopy.distance import geodesic
from uagents import Context, Model, Protocol
from .models import Provider, Availability, User
PROTOCOL_NAME = "cleaning"
class ServiceRequest(Model):
    user: str
    location: str
    time_start: datetime
    duration: timedelta
    services: List[int]
    max_price: float
class ServiceResponse(Model):
    accept: bool
    price: float
class ServiceBooking(Model):
    location: str
    time_start: datetime
    duration: timedelta
    services: List[int]
    price: float
class BookingResponse(Model):
    success: bool
cleaning_proto = Protocol(name=PROTOCOL_NAME, version=PROTOCOL_VERSION)
def in_service_region(
    location: str, availability: Availability, provider: Provider
) -> bool:
    geolocator = Nominatim(user_agent="micro_agents")
    user_location = geolocator.geocode(location)
    cleaner_location = geolocator.geocode(provider.location)
    if user_location is None:
        raise RuntimeError(f"user location {location} not found")
    if cleaner_location is None:
        raise RuntimeError(f"provider location {provider.location} not found")
    cleaner_coordinates = (cleaner_location.latitude, cleaner_location.longitude)
    user_coordinates = (user_location.latitude, user_location.longitude)
    service_distance = geodesic(user_coordinates, cleaner_coordinates).miles
    in_range = service_distance <= availability.max_distance
    return in_range
@cleaning_proto.on_message(model=ServiceRequest, replies=ServiceResponse)
async def handle_query_request(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: ServiceRequest):
    provider = await Provider.filter(
    availability = await Availability.get(provider=provider)
    services = [int(service.type) for service in await]
    markup = provider.markup
    user, _ = await User.get_or_create(name=msg.user, address=sender)
    msg_duration_hours: float = msg.duration.total_seconds() / 3600"Received service request from user `{}`")
    if (
        set( <= set(services)
        and in_service_region(msg.location, availability, provider)
        and availability.time_start <= msg.time_start
        and availability.time_end >= msg.time_start + msg.duration
        and availability.min_hourly_price * msg_duration_hours < msg.max_price
        accept = True
        price = markup * availability.min_hourly_price * msg_duration_hours"I am available! Proposing price: {price}.")
        accept = False
        price = 0"I am not available. Declining request.")
    await ctx.send(sender, ServiceResponse(accept=accept, price=price))
@cleaning_proto.on_message(model=ServiceBooking, replies=BookingResponse)
async def handle_book_request(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: ServiceBooking):
    provider = await Provider.filter(
    availability = await Availability.get(provider=provider)
    services = [int(service.type) for service in await]
    user = await User.get(address=sender)
    msg_duration_hours: float = msg.duration.total_seconds() / 3600"Received booking request from user `{}`")
    success = (
        set( <= set(services)
        and availability.time_start <= msg.time_start
        and availability.time_end >= msg.time_start + msg.duration
        and msg.price <= availability.min_hourly_price * msg_duration_hours
    if success:
        availability.time_start = msg.time_start + msg.duration
        await"Accepted task and updated availability.")
    # send the response
    await ctx.send(sender, BookingResponse(success=success))

Cleaner agent

We are now ready to define our cleaner agent.

  1. Let's now create a Python script in cleaning_demo folder, and name it: touch

  2. We now need to import the necessary classes and the protocols we previously defined, and then create our cleaner agent as an instance of the Agent class and make sure it has enough funds to register within the Almanac contract by running the fund_agent_if_low() function. The agent is configured with a specific name, port, seed, and endpoint:

    from datetime import datetime
    from pytz import utc
    from tortoise import Tortoise
    from import cleaning_proto
    from import Availability, Provider, Service, ServiceType
    from uagents import Agent, Context
    from uagents.setup import fund_agent_if_low
    cleaner = Agent(
        seed="cleaner secret phrase",
            "": {},
    # build the cleaning service agent from the cleaning protocol

    The cleaner agent includes the previously defined cleaning protocol (cleaning_proto) using the include() method. This integrates the protocol's models and handlers into the agent's capabilities. The agent is set up to interact with the cleaning service protocol, allowing it to communicate with users and providers according to the logic defined in the protocol's handlers.

  3. We then define the behaviors of our cleaner agent:

    async def startup(_ctx: Context):
        await Tortoise.init(
            db_url="sqlite://db.sqlite3", modules={"models": [""]}
        await Tortoise.generate_schemas()
        provider = await Provider.create(, location="London Kings Cross")
        floor = await Service.create(type=ServiceType.FLOOR)
        window = await Service.create(type=ServiceType.WINDOW)
        laundry = await Service.create(type=ServiceType.LAUNDRY)
        await Availability.create(
            time_start=utc.localize(datetime.fromisoformat("2022-01-31 00:00:00")),
            time_end=utc.localize(datetime.fromisoformat("2023-05-01 00:00:00")),
    async def shutdown(_ctx: Context):
        await Tortoise.close_connections()
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    The startup() event handler function is decorated with the .on_event() decorator. This handler is executed when the cleaner agent starts up. Its purpose is to initialize the agent's environment, set up the database, and populate it with necessary data. This function initializes the Tortoise ORM (Object–Relational Mapping) with the specified database URL and modules. It prepares the ORM to work with the defined data models. The ORM is used to manage database connections and schema generation for the agent's data models. In the snippet above, db_url is set to sqlite://db.sqlite3, indicating the use of an SQLite database named db.sqlite3. modules specifies the module containing the data models related to the cleaning protocol. We then define the Tortoise.generate_schemas() which is a function that generates the database schemas based on the defined data models. It sets up the necessary tables and relationships in the database. Afterwards, we create instances of the Provider and Service models and populates them with data.

    A Provider instance is created with the cleaner agent's name ("cleaner") and location ("London Kings Cross"). Three Service instances are created with different service types: FLOOR, WINDOW, and LAUNDRY. The created Service instances are associated with the Provider instance using the method. This establishes a relationship between providers and the services they offer. We proceed by defining an Availability instance to represent the availability of the cleaning service provider: it includes details such as the provider, start and end times of availability, maximum service distance (10 miles), and minimum hourly price (5).

  4. Save the script.

The overall code should look as follows:
from datetime import datetime
from pytz import utc
from tortoise import Tortoise
from import cleaning_proto
from import Availability, Provider, Service, ServiceType
from uagents import Agent, Context
from uagents.setup import fund_agent_if_low
cleaner = Agent(
    seed="cleaner secret phrase",
        "": {},
# build the cleaning service agent from the cleaning protocol
async def startup(_ctx: Context):
    await Tortoise.init(
        db_url="sqlite://db.sqlite3", modules={"models": [""]}
    await Tortoise.generate_schemas()
    provider = await Provider.create(, location="London Kings Cross")
    floor = await Service.create(type=ServiceType.FLOOR)
    window = await Service.create(type=ServiceType.WINDOW)
    laundry = await Service.create(type=ServiceType.LAUNDRY)
    await Availability.create(
        time_start=utc.localize(datetime.fromisoformat("2022-01-31 00:00:00")),
        time_end=utc.localize(datetime.fromisoformat("2023-05-01 00:00:00")),
async def shutdown(_ctx: Context):
    await Tortoise.close_connections()
if __name__ == "__main__":


We are now ready to define our user agent.

  1. Let's now create a Python script in cleaning_demo folder, and name it: touch

  2. We need to import the necessary classes and the protocols we previously defined, and then create our user agent as an instance of the Agent class and make sure it has enough funds to register within the Almanac contract by running the fund_agent_if_low() function. The agent is configured with a specific name, port, seed, and endpoint. We also define the cleaner's address:

    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    from pytz import utc
    from import (
    from import ServiceType
    from uagents import Agent, Context
    from uagents.setup import fund_agent_if_low
    CLEANER_ADDRESS = "agent1qdfdx6952trs028fxyug7elgcktam9f896ays6u9art4uaf75hwy2j9m87w"
    user = Agent(
        seed="cleaning user recovery phrase",
            "": {},
  3. Let's define a ServiceRequest object to represent a request for cleaning services. It includes information such as the user's name, location, start time, duration, types of services requested, and a maximum price. We also define a MARKDOWN to apply a discount or markdown to the service:

    request = ServiceRequest(,
        location="London Kings Cross",
        time_start=utc.localize(datetime.fromisoformat("2023-04-10 16:00:00")),
        services=[ServiceType.WINDOW, ServiceType.LAUNDRY],
    MARKDOWN = 0.8
  4. We then define an event handler to handle service requests:

    @user.on_interval(period=3.0, messages=ServiceRequest)
    async def interval(ctx: Context):"markdown", MARKDOWN)
        completed ="completed")
        if not completed:
  "Requesting cleaning service: {request}")
            await ctx.send(CLEANER_ADDRESS, request)

    The interval() function is decorated with the .on_interval() decorator indicating that is is executed at regular intervals specified by the period parameter to send ServiceRequest messages. Within the function, the method is called to store the MARKDOWN constant in the context's storage under the key "markdown". The function first checks the value of completed which is retrieved from the context's storage using method. This is used to determine whether the service request has already been completed. If the service request is not marked as completed, an informational log message is generated using method indicating that a cleaning service request is being made. The {request} placeholder in the log message is filled with the details of the request object previously created. Then, ctx.send() method is called to send the cleaning service request to the specified address (CLEANER_ADDRESS) alongside with the request object.

  5. We then would need to define a function for handling responses to service queries and generating service bookings based on the received response:

    @user.on_message(ServiceResponse, replies=ServiceBooking)
    async def handle_query_response(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: ServiceResponse):
        markdown ="markdown")
        if msg.accept:
  "Cleaner is available, attempting to book now")
            booking = ServiceBooking(
                price=markdown * msg.price,
            await ctx.send(sender, booking)
  "Cleaner is not available - nothing more to do")
  "completed", True)

    The handle_query_response() function is decorated with .on_message() and handles messages of type ServiceResponse. It also specifies that the function replies with instances of ServiceBooking data model.

    The function first retrieves the markdown value from the context's storage using method. If the received ServiceResponse message indicates acceptance, a log message is generated, indicating that a cleaner is available and an attempt to book the service will be made. A ServiceBooking object is created, containing information about the location, start time, duration, services, and calculated price (based on the received price in the response message and the markdown value). The ServiceBooking object is then sent to the sender's address using ctx.send() method.

    If however the response message does not indicate acceptance, a log message is generated, indicating that a cleaner is not available. The "completed" key in the storage is set to True, indicating that the service request process has been completed.

  6. We finally need to define a function for handling BookingResponse messages:

    @user.on_message(BookingResponse, replies=set())
    async def handle_book_response(ctx: Context, _sender: str, msg: BookingResponse):
        if msg.success:
  "Booking was successful")
  "Booking was UNSUCCESSFUL")
    "completed", True)
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    The handle_book_response() function is decorated with .on_message() decorator indicating that it's meant to handle messages of type BookingResponse. However, it specifies replies=set(), which means that this function is not intended to send any replies. The function processes the booking response message: if the success field in the message is True, a log message is generated indicating that the booking was successful using method. If the success field is False, a log message is generated indicating that the booking was unsuccessful. The "completed" key in the context's storage is set to True using the method to indicate that the entire booking process has been completed.

  7. Save the script.

The overall script should look as follows:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pytz import utc
from import (
from import ServiceType
from uagents import Agent, Context
from uagents.setup import fund_agent_if_low
CLEANER_ADDRESS = "agent1qdfdx6952trs028fxyug7elgcktam9f896ays6u9art4uaf75hwy2j9m87w"
user = Agent(
    seed="cleaning user recovery phrase",
        "": {},
request = ServiceRequest(,
    location="London Kings Cross",
    time_start=utc.localize(datetime.fromisoformat("2023-04-10 16:00:00")),
    services=[ServiceType.WINDOW, ServiceType.LAUNDRY],
@user.on_interval(period=3.0, messages=ServiceRequest)
async def interval(ctx: Context):"markdown", MARKDOWN)
    completed ="completed")
    if not completed:"Requesting cleaning service: {request}")
        await ctx.send(CLEANER_ADDRESS, request)
@user.on_message(ServiceResponse, replies=ServiceBooking)
async def handle_query_response(ctx: Context, sender: str, msg: ServiceResponse):
    markdown ="markdown")
    if msg.accept:"Cleaner is available, attempting to book now")
        booking = ServiceBooking(
            price=markdown * msg.price,
        await ctx.send(sender, booking)
    else:"Cleaner is not available - nothing more to do")"completed", True)
@user.on_message(BookingResponse, replies=set())
async def handle_book_response(ctx: Context, _sender: str, msg: BookingResponse):
    if msg.success:"Booking was successful")
    else:"Booking was UNSUCCESSFUL")"completed", True)
if __name__ == "__main__":

Run the scripts

Run the cleaner and then the user agents from different terminals:

  • Terminal 1: python
  • Terminal 2: python

The output should be as follows, depending on the terminal:

  • Cleaner

    [cleaner]: Received service request from user `user`
    [cleaner]: I am available! Proposing price: 22.0.
    [cleaner]: Received booking request from user `user`
    [cleaner]: Accepted task and updated availability.
  • User

    [ user]: Requesting cleaning service: user='user' location='London Kings Cross' time_start=datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 10, 16, 0, tzinfo=<UTC>) duration=datetime.timedelta(seconds=14400) services=[<ServiceType.WINDOW: 2>, <ServiceType.LAUNDRY: 3>] max_price=60.0
    [ user]: Cleaner is available, attempting to book now
    [ user]: Booking was successful

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